


Data protection and Whistleblowing in the EU Institutions. Please read the EDPS guidelines and the press release.

EDPS mobile app

The EDPS’ free app, EU Data Protection, has been updated! You can now consult the texts of General Data Protection Regulation (REG) 2016/679 and the Directive 2016/680 for the police and criminal justice sector alongside the texts they replace.

EDPS Newsletter 48

Our latest newsletter is online now

Human dimension of data protection

Re-focusing on the human dimension of data protection - read the latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

Convention 108

Convention 108: from a European reality to a global treaty. Read the speech by Giovanni Buttarelli given at the Council of Europe International Conference.

Digital rights

Digital rights on the top of the EDPS agenda. Giovanni Buttarelli met Guido Raimondi, President of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Data Protection in Practice

Data Protection in Practice - read the latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Background paper on necessity

Developing a 'toolkit' for assessing the necessity of measures that interfere with fundamental rights. Read the background paper on necessity published for stakeholder consultation.