
DPO News



New Staff Regulations: what this implies in terms of consultations to the EDPS and notifications for prior checking

The modification of the Staff Regulations may imply certain changes to existing administrative decisions or the adoption of new administrative rules.
In this regard we would like to remind you of our policy on consultations which provide that in principle it is the DPO who is to be involved in the revision of administrative decisions unless there is a novel or complex issue.

As for prior check notifications, we would like to use this occasion to remind you of the procedure for an update of an existing notification (preferably one clean version and a mark-up version indicating the changes). Such an update only needs to be made in case of a change with regard to the protection of personal data. There should also be a cover letter from the DPO describing the main changes.


Call for interest

As presented on the occasion of the last DPO meeting, the EDPS is currently considering options regarding the information to be provided to third parties mentioned in complaints (as a reminder, please see the illustration slide attached). Such information is important as it guarantees the fairness of the processing, a concept which is broader than the mere right of defence. It raises the issue of the concept of personal data, the definition of processing, the limits of Article 12 and the restrictions provided in Article 20. It is also very relevant for us in any complaint handling work – including the complaint handling work of your institution/body!

Please help us to find a "pragmatism by design" approach to the topic and signal your interest in participating in an EDPS Working Group on the issue to


34th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers and the European Data Protection Supervisor

34th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers and the European Data Protection Supervisor – Brussels, 21-22 November 2013

Draft agenda
Available languages: English
Data Protection Case Law
Available languages: English
Conflicts of interest
Available languages: English
The transfer of personal data to third countries and international organisations by EU institutions and bodies
Available languages: English

Workshop on e-Communication

A workshop on e-Communications was organised by EDPS in Brussels.

Please find here the presentations made on that occasion:

Policy and Principles
Available languages: English
Available languages: English
Phone Communications
Available languages: English
Available languages: English