
Celebrating 10 years of the European Data Protection Supervisor


Celebrating 10 years of the European Data Protection Supervisor

Today, experts in data protection and privacy and high profile representatives of European Institutions, National Data Protection Authorities and legal practitioners gathered at a conference at the BOZAR, Brussels on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Jacob Kohnstamm, Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party, Gilles Dekerchove, EU anti-terrorist coordinator, Sophie In’t Veld, MEP and Francoise Le Bail, Director General DG Justice were among the speakers. Their speeches highlighted key points in the history of the institution and commended the EDPS’ role and contribution to the progress made in data protection in the EU and beyond.

Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust? is a book that reflects on privacy and personal data protection in Europe and the United States at the beginning of 2014. With contributions from a number of prominent scholars, legal practitioners, regulators and politicians from Europe as well as the United States, the book was compiled in honour of Peter Hustinx, the first European Data Protection Supervisor, who will step down in 2014 following a distinguished career in office.