

Llanto por la muerte de Giovanni Buttarelli


Desde que se hizo pública la noticia del fallecimiento de Giovanni Buttarelli, he recibido más de un centenar de mensajes de condolencias, la mayoría en inglés, pero muchos también en español, desde España y desde Iberoamérica. Por eso, escribo este modesto tributo a su memoria en la lengua de Cervantes, para significar que la comunidad española e iberoamericana de protección también llora su pérdida.

Inviting new perspectives in data protection

Giovanni Buttarelli

The European Data Protection Supervisor has invited three staff members who have recently joined the institution to share their own thoughts on various topics of interest. In this way, the European Data Protection Supervisor wishes to stimulate the exchange of ideas and perspectives in the field of data protection and beyond.

Brain Plugs and the Evolution of Privacy – by Leon Rossmaier

Can We Trust Our Artificial Eyes?

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Every group of trainees that comes to work with us at the EDPS organises their own conference on a topic of interest. These events are a platform for the younger generation to share fresh – and sometimes provocative! – ideas. For this conference, the team chose a timely and exciting subject – the potential consequences of technological enhancements to our bodies for human rights and privacy.

Top of the class: the EDPS goes back to school!

Giovanni Buttarelli

It may come as a surprise to some of you, given how fresh-faced and youthful I appear, but it has been some time now since I was at school! Indeed, there was a time when life was a lot less digital, and when the GDPR was just a distant dream. How times have changed!

Building a better understanding of the EU and of data protection issues among citizens starts with young people. I am therefore delighted that this year, for the first time, the EDPS participated in the EU’s Back to School initiative.

Working with international organisations to lead the way in data protection

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Generating and fostering global partnerships in the field of data protection is one of the EDPS’ strategic objectives. That is why we co-organise, on a yearly basis, a workshop dedicated to data protection within international organisations (IOs). The workshop is a forum for the exchange of experiences and views on the most pressing issues in this field faced by IOs all over the world.

We need to talk about terms and conditions

Giovanni Buttarelli

Terms of service are generally designed to safeguard a service provider against legal challenges. These terms are not like a memorandum of understanding, trade agreement or a contract established jointly by two more or less equal parties. Rather, they are laid down by the service provider and not open to negotiation. In the EU there are rules protecting the consumer against unfair terms, under Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, prohibiting a dominant company in a market from imposing unfair trading conditions.