

The AI Conundrum: Governance and Supervision

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

If you believe everything you read in the papers or see in films, artificial intelligence (AI) is either going to be the saviour or the downfall of the world as we know it. While we’re not yet witnessing either extreme, it is not under dispute that the various applications of AI raise a number of challenges for those defending the rights and freedoms of individuals.

The Circle of e-Life - A Lifetime Relationship with your Data

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

It’s a common myth that a trainee’s daily routine consists of making cups of coffee and photocopies. Here at the EDPS, however, that myth couldn’t be further from the truth.

One of the many important tasks we entrust our trainees with is the industrious task of organising a conference on a data protection issue of their choice.

Sharing investigative expertise - a seconded national expert’s experience of the EDPS

Delphine Harou

The EDPS is lucky to benefit from the expertise of seconded national experts. These are data protection experts employed by an EU Member State’s national Data Protection Authority (DPAs) who are seconded to work with one of the teams at the EDPS for an extended period. The secondment process allows for a productive exchange of perspectives and knowledge between national DPAs and the EDPS, paving the way for smoother future cooperation.

Data Protection in Practice: The European Data Protection Case Handling Workshop

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

At the end of last month, the EDPS had the privilege of hosting the 31st edition of the annual European Data Protection Case Handling Workshop at which we welcomed colleagues from 28 EU and non-EU data protection authorities.

The unique set up of the workshop is an opportunity to meet a wide array of practitioners and to share our experiences of investigating complaints, providing guidance to controllers and enforcing data protection law.

Llanto por la muerte de Giovanni Buttarelli

Leonardo Cervera Navas

Desde que se hizo pública la noticia del fallecimiento de Giovanni Buttarelli, he recibido más de un centenar de mensajes de condolencias, la mayoría en inglés, pero muchos también en español, desde España y desde Iberoamérica. Por eso, escribo este modesto tributo a su memoria en la lengua de Cervantes, para significar que la comunidad española e iberoamericana de protección también llora su pérdida.