

Data Protection and the EU institutions

Giovanni Buttarelli

A new generation of data protection standards is being promulgated by the European Union. Almost one year ago, the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Directive for the police and justice sectors represented the most ambitious endeavour of the EU legislator so far to secure the fundamental rights of the individual in the digital era.

An ancient city looking to the future: The 38th International Privacy Conference in Marrakech

Giovanni Buttarelli

The ancient city of Marrakech was founded by the Almoravid dynasty at the beginning of the 11th century, as a centre for trade and craftsmanship. One century later, another mythical city, Timbuktu, was founded for similar reasons, in what is now known as the sub-Saharan state of Mali. As the location of the 38th International Privacy Conference, Marrakech aimed to set a precedent once again, this time through opening up the doors to privacy beyond the western world. The Conference took place from 17-20 October this year and the EDPS once again played an active part.

A smart approach: counteract the bias in artificial intelligence

Giovanni Buttarelli

Despite its name, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is a reality and though much hyped, has woven its way into everyday life: navigation systems, spam filters, weather forecasts to name but a few. Such is the potential influence of A.I. that it can be found on the political agenda and both the White House and the House of Commons have published reports on the subject.

Assessing the impact of data protection: DPO-EDPS meeting in Alicante

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Yesterday, the 40th meeting between the EDPS and the DPOs from the EU institutions and bodies took place at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante. I congratulate EUIPO for hosting a very successful meeting, I truly valued the opportunity to interact with our data protection partners and reinforce our collaboration.

Big data right's: let's get together

Giovanni Buttarelli

Last week, in partnership with our co-hosts, the European Consumer Organisation, BEUC, we brought together high-level experts from across a spectrum of policy areas to talk about the future of our freedom and privacy online. It was a full house of regulators, legal counsel, technologists and non-government organisations, and a full day of intense debate ranging between subjects as diverse as merger control, indigestible privacy policies and encryption.