

letter with the word "newsletter" written on it

Newsletter #85

The EDPS February newsletter is out now! 

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Data protection is non-negotiable in international trade agreements

The EDPS published today his Opinion on two EU-UK agreements.

Read the press release.

EDPS Podcast

EDPS Podcast - Final Episode!

The last episode of Democratic Societies in the Digital Age is here!

Today's topic: Emerging Technologies and Future Challenges.

EDPS Podcast

EDPS Podcast - New episode!

The second episode of the series Democratic Societies in the Digital Age is out now!

This time we talk about Dark Patterns and Online Manipulation.

EDPS Podcast

EDPS Podcast - New series!

Do All Roads Lead to Datocracy? The EDPS and EDPB trainees bring you a new 3-episode podcast series: Democratic Societies in the Digital Age. The first episode focuses on Mass Surveillance and Facial Recognition.

"Solidarity - The power of the powerless"

Closing remarks of the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, at the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP)

Data for the public good: Building a healthier digital future

On Monday 25 January from 14:30-16:50, the EDPS will host an online side event in the margins of the 2021 CPDP conference

Shaping a Safer Digital Future: An introduction to the European Data Protection Supervisor

As part of the EDPS mandate (2020- 2024), a brochure and a video entitled Shaping a Safer Digital Future have been created to inform the public on our role, tasks and responsibilities as the European Union’s independent data protection authority. 

View the EDPS Brochure

Watch Video