

41st EDPS-DPO meeting, Tallinn

The EDPS and the DPOs from the EU institutions and bodies met yesterday at eu-LISA to discuss, among others, about individuals’ rights under the revised Regulation on data protection.

Read blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

First meeting of the Digital Clearinghouse

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli and the statement from the participants at the meeting.

Interoperability in the field of migration, asylum and security

EDPS welcomes the report of the High-level expert group on information systems and interoperability. Please read the EDPS statement on the concept of interoperability in the field of migration, asylum and security.

IPEN Workshop, Vienna

On 9 June 2017, the EDPS is hosting an IPEN workshop in Vienna.

The GDPR will become fully applicable less than a year after the workshop, and it will make data protection by design and by default a legal obligation for data controllers. Several presentations will address conceptual issues of privacy engineering.

The IPEN initiative was founded in 2014. It supports the creation of engineer groups working on (re)-usable building blocks, design patterns and other tools for selected internet use cases where privacy is at stake.

Read more about the workshop.

Web streaming of the event is available here.

Data Protection within International Organizations

Read the opening speech by Giovanni Buttarelli given at Workshop organised by the International Organization for Migration and the EDPS.

#DataDrivenLife - EDPS workshop on Digital Ethics

On 18 May 2017, the EDPS is hosting a workshop on Data Driven Life in Brussels (see the agenda). This is the second workshop in the series organised by the EDPS advancing the global debate on the ethical dimension of the digital revolution.

Read more - blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Watch the web streaming.

ePrivacy Regulation

EDPS calls for strong and smart new rules to protect confidentiality of communications. Read the EDPS opinion and the press release.

New era in the data protection supervision of Europol

Under the new Europol Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/794), the EDPS will take over responsibility from the JSB for the data protection supervision of Europol as from the beginning of May.
The JSB, after long and honourable service to data protection in the EU, will pass its role to the EDPS, an EU institution and the supervisory authority for the EU institutions and bodies.
The EDPS will provide advice on data protection issues to Europol and carry out inspections as well as investigating complaints from individuals.

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.