

lock surrounded by eu flag

Personal data and public safety

The EDPS has issued an Opinion on two legislative Proposals on the collection and transfer of advance passenger information (API), which includes air passengers’ personal data included in their travel documents (passport or identity cards) that is collected during check-in. Read Press Release & Opinion

 newsletter digest in big letters, orange background, with grey microphone

Newsletter Digest - Episode 2

Have a listen to Episode 2 of the Newsletter Digest! This new podcast series aims to bring you closer to some of the work we do to shape a safer digital future, in just under 10 minutes. Our main topics of this month include: personal data breaches, consultations and complaints, and more.

Person sat on the sofa reading

Newsletter #99

In this Newsletter, find out more about our top consultations and complaints dealt with in 2022, our activities for data protection day. As well as our latest Opinions, including one that may have an impact on your holidays, and one concerning your instant payments.

a circle with connected dots and icons symbolising different aspects of data protection: a globe, ID card, people, lock, statistics, handshake, money, law enforcement.

Marching together as Europeans

"I strongly believe that we, as Europeans, must renew our commitment to this endless march that is the European Union process, in which we all advance together towards more democracy, more prosperity and more respect for fundamental rights" - Read blogpost, written by EDPS Director, to mark Data Protection Day.


Data Protection Day

On 28 January each year, member states of the Council of Europe and EU institutions celebrate Data Protection Day. It marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, known as “Convention 108”. It was the first binding international law concerning individuals’ rights to the protection of their personal data.

  • Watch the European Data Protection Supervisor's video to mark Data Protection Day 2023.
  • Read the op-ed by Wojciech Wiewiórowski published in Euractiv.
  • Read the article by Wojciech Wiewiórowski published in The Brussels Times.

Data Protection Day: Your Data, Your Rights

EU data protection law grants people a certain number of rights when their data is processed by an EU institution.

Read our factsheet and learn more about your rights.

individuals surrounding by credit cards, payment methods and purchasing items

Secure instant payments for individuals in the EU

EDPS welcomes the proposed Regulation aiming to increase the use of instant credit transfers, in an efficient and accurate way.

Read Press Release

Read Opinion

 newsletter digest in big letters, orange background, with grey microphone

New Podcast: The Newsletter Digest!

Introducing our brand NEW podcast series, the #NewsletterDigest, which aims to bring you closer to some of the work we do to shape a safer digital future, in just under 10 minutes. Have a listen here!

a person in winter clothes with a red hat and blue gloves

Newsletter 98

Our last newsletter of the year 2022 is out now!

Read newsletter 98