
IPEN 2021 on Pseudonymous Data - Prokopios Drogkaris

The workshop focused on the guidance on and practical use of “pseudonymisation techniques” to mitigate data protection risks when processing personal data . While the GDPR obliges to delete or anonymise personal data when there is no (more) lawful purpose to keep them in a way that enables identification, pseudonymisation techniques offer technical and organisational measures to mitigate data protection risks when it is (still) necessary to process personal data. After the Schrems II ruling, the debate on pseudonymisation has gained momentum as many consider it as the most viable “supplementary measure” to transfer personal data to third countries not offering an equivalent level of protection. The aim of the webinar was to give an opportunity to increase awareness on existing guidance, explore options and challenges and offer organisations an understanding of what tools and advice are available to implement pseudonymisation effectively and avoid major pitfalls.

Read more on the IPEN page.