Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor.
He was appointed by a joint decision of the European Parliament and the Council on 4 December 2014 for a term of five years.
From January 2009 to December 2014, he served as Assistant Supervisor. Before joining the EDPS, he was Secretary General at the Italian Data Protection Authority from 1997-2009. As a Cassation judge in the Italian judiciary, he has long been involved in many initiatives and committees on data protection and related issues at international level.
Giovanni Buttarelli passed away in Italy on 20 August 2019.
Nationality: Italian
European Data Protection Supervisor, EDPS, Brussels
4 December 2014 - 20 August 2019
Assistant Supervisor, EDPS, Brussels
17 January 2009 - 3 December 2014
Secretary General, Italian Data Protection Authority, Rome
14 August 1997 - 16 January 2009
Advisor, Legislation Department, Italian Ministry of Justice, Rome
28 November 1989 - 13 August 1997
Cassation Judge, Italian Judiciary
2006 - present day
Member of Italian Judiciary
1986 - 2006
Head of two Registry Offices, Muncipality of Frascati, Rome
1 August 1976 - 7 September 1986
Moscow Mechanism, designation by Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe resource list
2010 - 2017
Alternative member of the Article 29 Working Party
June 1997-present day
President of the Joint Supervisory Authority, Schengen Agreement
2002 - 2003
Vice President of the Joint Supervisory Authority, Schengen Agreement
2000 - 2001
Chairman of the Customs Supervision Coordination Group
2011 - 2015
Professor on Protection of Personal Data and Fundamental Rights in Italy and Europe at Faculty of Law, Lumsa University, Rome
2005-present day
Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at Faculty of Law, La Sapienza University, Rome
Law degree, Cum Laude, La Sapienza University, Rome