
DPO News



Trainings for Heads of Unit/Heads of Sector – New Dates


  • 03 July, 25 September, 24 October, 20 November and 18 December 2019

EU institutions' managers can enrol online here in EU learn.

Trainings for Heads of Unit/Heads of Sector given by the EDPS in the framework of the European School of Administration (EUSA) lunch conference.


New personal data protection rules for EU institutions have entered into force on 11 December 2018. The aim of this training session is to prepare EU institutions' managers for these new data protection rules.


Everyday, Heads of Units/ Heads of Sectors in the EU institutions and bodies collect, use or store (process) personal data in the course of their work. From selection and recruitment, staff appraisals, administrative inquiries, organising events, managing visitors to dealing with contracts, grants and tenders, personal data is everywhere! Also, drafting legislative proposals, implementing or delegated acts (or international agreements) may lead to processing of personal data in many cases.

The law applicable to EU institutions and bodies when they process personal data of individuals has changed. The new Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 has significant implications for all those dealing with personal data in their work.

The updated rules will impose current and new obligations. This course aims to help you prepare for these new rules. The course gives you a practical overview of your obligations as Heads of Units/Heads of Sectors (Top management), but also as case officers in charge of procedures (Business owners) within the EU institutions: data protection principles, your institution's "accountability" in practice, how to embed data protection principles in new procedures and projects under your responsibility, what to do in case of personal data breaches, how to ensure data protection compliance in your procurement procedures and much more.

The course is given by staff of the European Data Protection Supervisor, the EU institutions' supervisory authority in the field of personal data protection. Besides many practical examples from their supervisory activities, they also include a Q&A session and thematic case studies (procurement and joint controllership, events organisation, personal data breach notifications).

Participants are provided with sandwiches and drinks.


45th Meeting of the DPOs and the EDPS

45th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers of the EU institutions and the European Data Protection Supervisor, Westhafen Tower, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Available languages: English
State of play and vision of the S&E unit
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State of play of IT Policy Unit
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The restaurant at the end of the universe: Case study event management
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Mostly harmless data breach notification under Regulation (EU) 1725/2018
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EDPS - IT Policy case study on data breach
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Joint controllership: Upcoming guidelines and case study
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Life, the Universe and Everything: Case study on joint controllers
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Outsourcing: Upcoming guidance and case study
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Young Zaphod Plays it Safe: Case study on outsourcing
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44th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers and the EDPS

44th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers of the EU institutions and the European Data Protection Supervisor, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Available languages: English
Case study on internal rules and Article 25 restrictions
Available languages: English
Case study on internal rules and Article 25 restrictions: Solutions
Available languages: English
Case study on data breach notification procedure
Available languages: English
Data Breach Notification Presentation
Available languages: English
Case study on joint controllership
Available languages: English
Case study on joint controllership: Solutions
Available languages: English
Personal Data Protection for EUI Web Services Presentation
Available languages: English
Web Service Self-Assessment Tools
Available languages: English
Protection of personal data processed through web services provided by EU institutions
Available languages: English

EDPS training in Luxembourg: New EU data protection rules in your daily work

Dates: 1 and 2 October 2018

Location: Court of Justice, Luxembourg

The law applicable to EU institutions and bodies when they process personal data of individuals is about to change. The new Regulation will come into effect in 2018 (repealing the existing Regulation (EC) 45/2001) and has significant implications for all those dealing with personal data in their work.

As part of the EDPS training campaign for EU institutions, EDPS staff will deliver two practical training sessions for EU staff members working in Luxemburg. The course gives you a practical overview of data protection principles, your institution's accountability in practice, how to embed data protection principles in new procedures and projects, what to do in case of personal data breaches, how to ensure data protection compliance in procurement procedures and much more. This course aims to help you prepare for these new rules.

More information and registration for EU staff members working in Luxembourg through EU learn.


43rd Meeting of the Data Protection Officers and the EDPS

43rd Meeting of the Data Protection Officers of the EU institutions and the European Data Protection Supervisor, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Available languages: English
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