
Opinions Prior Check and Prior Consultations

Some of the procedures that EU institutions put in place pose risks to the data protection rights and freedoms of individuals.

Under the old legal framework (Regulation (EC) 45/2001), EU institutions were obliged to notify us before putting in place risky data processing operations.

In general, our prior checking Opinions were public.

Regulation 2018/1725 builds on the old Regulation and mirrors the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) that applies to most organisations processing personal data in the Member States. Compared to the previous rules, Regulation 2018/1725 aligns documentation obligations more closely to the risks caused by processing personal data. This means for example that the documentation requirements for a EUI’s newsletter subscription will be lower than for a system using ‘intelligent CCTV’ covering publicly accessible space or a database profiling travellers for screening purposes.

Depending on the process at hand, EU institutions processing personal data ('controllers') may not have to go through all the steps below (these steps are described in the Accountability on the ground toolkit): 
• Generate basic documentation (called ‘records’) for all processes; 
• Check if the process is likely to result in high risks to the people whose data are processed and consult the DPO if it appears to do so; 
• If the EU institution needs to do a data protection impact assessment (DPIA), they analyse those risks in more detail and develop specific safeguards/controls to manage them; 
• If the results of the DPIA still indicate high residual data protection risks, the EU institution has to file a prior consultation with the EDPS (see Articles 40 and 90 of Regulation 2018/1725 respectively for administrative and operational personal data).

Article 39 of Regulation 2016/794 on Europol provides for an ad hoc prior consultation mechanism for new type of processing of operational data, namely data processed by Europol to support the Member States in preventing and combating serious crime and terrorism. Similarly, Article 72 of Regulation 2017/1939 on the European Public Prosecutor Office (EPPO) provides a specific prior consultation mechanism for the processing of operational data, namely data processed in the context of criminal investigations and prosecutions undertaken by the EPPO. Regulation 2018/1725, including the standard prior consultation mechanism, applies to Europol's and EPPO's processing of administrative data, which includes data on staff and visitors, for example.

Where an EU institution is unsure whether to notify us a data processing operation for prior consultation, their DPO can consult us for advice to confirm.

As for the old prior checking Opinions, in general the prior consultation Opinions are public, but we may delete sensitive elements where necessary, related to security for example. Some opinions, which are by nature sensitive, in particular in the police and justice area, may not be published. For the sake of transparency, these Opinions are summarised in our Annual Report.



Certification - Comité des Régions

Avis du 29 novembre 2007 sur la notification d'un contrôle préalable à propos du dossier "procédure de certification" (Dossier 2007-353)

Le traitement intitulé "procédure de certification par le Comité des Régions" concerne une procédure de sélection d'un nombre restreint de fonctionnaires du groupe de fonction des assistants d'accéder à un emploi vacant du groupe de fonction des administrateurs, sans changement de grade, à condition d'avoir été sélectionnés pour participer à un programme de formation obligatoire, d'avoir suivi ce programme de formation avec assiduité et de réussir les épreuves écrites et orales organisées dans ce contexte et d'avoir été sélectionnés pour le poste en question. Il s'agit donc d'une procédure permettant à l'AIPN d'identifier les assistants disposant du potentiel et de la capacité requis pour assumer des fonctions d'administrateur.
D'après la procédure prévue dans la Décision du CdR relative à la procédure de certification la procédure comporte 6 étapes qui sont:
  1. la détermination par l'AIPN du nombre de fonctionnaires autorisés à suivre le programme de formation et la publication d'un appel à candidatures;
  2. l’examen de l’admissibilité des candidatures par l'AIPN;
  3. l’établissement par l'AIPN de la liste des fonctionnaires sélectionnés pour participer au programme de formation;
  4. la participation au programme de formation organisée par l'Ecole européenne d'administration;
  5. l’organisation d’épreuves écrites et orales et l’établissement par l'Office européen de sélection du personnel de la liste des fonctionnaires ayant réussi les épreuves attestant qu'ils ont suivi avec succès le programme de formation;
  6. la publication par l'AIPN de la liste des fonctionnaires ayant réussi les épreuves.
Le traitement en l'espèce fait l'objet d'un contrôle préalable, car l'évaluation des compétences de candidats potentiels est basée non seulement sur des rapports de notation existants mais elle est également fondée sur d'autres critères, à savoir le niveau d'enseignement et de formation ainsi que les besoins dans certains domaines du service, l'expérience professionnelle et la formation professionnelle acquise dans ces domaines.

Dans le cadre de ses recommandations, le CEPD a notamment souligné que le Comité des Régions joigne au dossier personnel de la personne concernée les appels motivés des candidats qui contestent la liste de projet ou/et la liste finale. Il a été également recommandé le Comité des Régions ajoute au dossier personnel les conclusions et les raisons pour ces conclusions de l'avis du Comité de Certification concernant l'appel d'une personne concernée afin d'assurer que ce dossier soit complet et que le droit d'accès et de rectification de la personne concernée soient garantis.

Available languages: French

Attestation - Committee of the Regions

Opinion of 29 November 2007 on a notification for prior checking concerning the "attestation procedure" case (Case 2007-352)

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is organising a selection procedure for officials authorised to follow the attestation exercise. The purpose of the data processing is to select officials serving in categories C or D before 1 May 2004 who may become members of the assistants' function group without career restriction.
The attestation procedure comprises three stages: publication of a call for applications; establishment of a list of applicants admitted to the attestation procedure; attestation on posts recognised as "administrative assistant" level. Consideration is given to criteria linked to merit, level of training, seniority and professional experience.
The main recommendations issued by the EDPS in his opinion on attestation relate to the time limit for storage of data collected in the personal file, the adequacy of security measures attached to this storage and information to the data subjects.

Available languages: English, French

Promotions - Ombudsman

Opinion of 22 October 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "Promotion of permanent staff" (Case 2007-407)

Le Médiateur européen a adopté le 5 septembre 2007 des dispositions générales d'exécution (DGE) régissant les procédures de promotion du personnel statutaire. Les personnes concernées sont les fonctionnaires, les agents temporaires et les agents contractuels en fonction chez le Médiateur européen. En ce qui concerne les agents temporaires et les agents contractuels, seuls les agents avec contrat à durée indéterminée sont concernés.

Le CEPD a examiné le traitement de données à caractère personnel et en a conclu que celui-ci ne paraît pas entraîner de violations des dispositions du règlement (CE) 45/2001 pour autant que certaines recommandations soient suivies,  en particulier: qu'un délai raisonnable soit fixé pendant lequel les données relatives à la procédure de promotion peuvent être conservées ; qu'une consigne de vigilance soit ajoutée en ce qui concerne les notes circonstanciées d'évaluation, afin de veiller à ce que les données introduites dans ces notes répondent aux exigences de l'article 4.1.c. ; que la personne concernée doit être informée au moment de la collecte des données de l'identité du responsable du traitement, de ses finalités, des catégories et de l'origine de données concernées, des destinataires, de son droit d'accès et de rectification, de la base juridique du traitement, du délai de conservation des données et de son droit de saisir à tout moment le CEPD ; que si des données sensibles au sens de l'article 10 du règlement n°45/2001 sont traitées, le traitement doit être prévu par l'une des exceptions de l'article 10.2 du règlement 45/2001.

Available languages: English, French

Early retirement - OHIM

Opinion of 22 November 2007 on a notification for prior checking on the procedure for early retirement without reduction of pension rights (Case 2007-575)

In accordance with Article 9(2) of Annex VIII of the Staff Regulations and Article 39 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants, each year a limited number of officials and temporary agents are allowed to retire before the pensionable age without reduction of pension rights. The OHIM Administrative Decision n° ADM- 07-21 establishes the provisions implementing a scheme for early retirement without reduction of pension rights.
At the request of the Appointing Authority (AA), the Human Resources Department shall invite interested parties to apply for early retirement with effect during the course of the period of the year specified in the call for applications. Applicants will fill in a standard application form designed for the purpose of the procedure. To be eligible, the official or temporary agent must fulfil, on the date specified in the call for applications, certain criteria set out in the Administrative decision. The Human Resources Department shall verify the compliance with the eligibility criteria and draw up a list of eligible candidates and forward it to the Management Committee.
Bearing in mind the interests of the service and on the basis of certain specific criteria, the Management Committee shall draw up a preliminary draft list of applicants that it proposes should benefit from the scheme; listing the applicants by order of priority. Upon proposal of the Management Committee and on the basis of criteria established above, the Appointing Authority (AA) shall draw up a list of applicants that it proposes should benefit from the scheme, listing applicants by order of priority. A list will also be drawn up of the reserve candidates also classed in order of priority. Applicants in the reserve list will be informed in writing of any decision concerning them.

The EDPS issued an opinion on the processing of personal data in this procedure in which he concluded that there is no reason to believe that the processing of personal data in the procedure for early retirement at OHIM presents a breach of the provisions of Regulation 45/2001 provided certain recommendations are taken into account notably that OHIM reassesses the conservation period for applications; that OHIM justifies the necessity of keeping data relating to selected candidates available via the intranet for a period of 5 years and that access to the decisions of the Management Committee should be granted to data subjects regarding data relating to them subject to certain limitations based on Article 20§1(c).

Available languages: English, French

Intelligence databases - OLAF

Opinion of 21 November 2007 on a notification for prior checking on information and intelligence data pool and intelligence databases (Joint cases 2007-27 and 2007-28)

Information and Intelligence Data Pool” is the description given to all data held within the remit of Operational Intelligence Unit C4 in OLAF, including the Intelligence Databases.

Operational Information and Intelligence support are essential aspects of OLAF’s mandate to fight fraud, corruption, and any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the European Community, and serious matters relating to the discharge of professional duties - as established in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) n° 1073/1999 and Commission Decision 1999/352/EC Article 2 (5).

The purpose of the processing under analysis is then to further OLAF intelligence/analysis and operational activity. It also aims to support specific case requests, operations and investigations with a view to ensuring the optimum accuracy and relevance of information received, disseminated and otherwise processed for intelligence, financial, administrative, disciplinary and judicial use. This support may be provided throughout the various stages of OLAF investigation and operational activities, over all sectors and is recorded within the CMS (Case Management System) where applicable.

OLAF’s operational intelligence role also includes supporting the control, intelligence and enforcement activities in Member States, for OLAF partners and Operational DGs. Chapter 2.4.3 of the OLAF Manual further explains the role of OLAF's operational intelligence.

In his prior checking Opinion, the EDPS issued the main following recommendations:

  • to acknowledge in the intelligence files when any restriction based on Article 20 of the Regulation is operated;
  • to respect the confidentiality of the identity of whistleblowers during OLAF intelligence activities and in the later stages when appropriate;
  • to provide the information (Article 12 of the Regulation) to the data subjects whose names appear in the documentation under analysis, but who are not persons concerned, witnesses, whistleblowers or informants, unless such activity would be impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort, in which case the obligation to provide directly the information could only be replaced by the indirect provision through the privacy statement published on the OLAF website. The same principle should be applied when intelligence activities are conducted independently of an investigation;
  • to supplement the publication on the website with personalised information notices addressed to individuals (unless such activity would be impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort). The EDPS therefore calls upon OLAF to develop practices in providing personalised information to the individuals concerned to the degree it is appropriate in the context of intelligence activities and inform the EDPS about such guidelines.
Available languages: English