
EU Open Day 2019 - Brussels


EU Open Day 2019 - Brussels

Your personal information is collected, shared, used and stored by individuals, organisations and public authorities every day. Recruitment activities, video surveillance and health data collection are just a few examples of this. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) monitors and ensures the protection of personal data and privacy when EU institutions and bodies process personal data. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) contributes to the consistent application of data protection rules throughout the European Union, and promotes cooperation between the EEA data protection authorities.

The EDPS and EDPB stand will be at the European Commission as part of the EU institutions' Europe Day celebrations.

Located on the ground floor of the Berlaymont building, EDPS and EDPB staff will be on hand to answer questions about your privacy rights and how to protect your personal information. Free goodies and information will be on offer, as well as fun and interactive activities for both children and adults to enjoy. You will also have a chance to win one of 20 USB sticks, simply by taking part in our fun, simple quiz!

Whether shopping online, using a smartphone or applying for jobs, data protection affects us all, so be sure to visit our stand to find out more!

For more information visit and

For more information on the EDPB visit: