
Flexitime - Court of Auditors


Flexitime - Court of Auditors

Opinion of 5 December 2008 on the notification for prior checking regarding data processing in the Flexitime management and checking system (Case 2008-173)

Flexitime was introduced in order to manage staff working hours more effectively and provide greater flexibility. The flexitime system is managed by the EFFICIENT database. It imports data relating to individuals, missions and absences (official leave, sick leave, etc.) from the SIC CONGES database and also from the Mission application developed by the Court of Auditors since training absences are recorded by the training department.

The proposed processing operation would not appear to involve any breach of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, provided that the Court of Auditors reviews access rights, the data storage period and the content of information and the manner of providing it.

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