



Selection of senior officials - Commission

Opinion of 17 September 2007 on a notification for prior checking regarding the selection of senior officials (Case 2007-193)

DG ADMIN organises and manages the selection process of senior officials in the Commission in order to select the best suited candidates for a particular position. The positions are open to internal candidates and in some cases vacancies are also open to external candidates.  In order to select the best suited candidates, applicants have to follow various procedures (prior eligibility tests, interviews with pre-selection panel, analysis and opinion of the Consultative Committee on Appointments, etc). Such procedures entail the collection and further processing of candidates' personal data for the purposes of evaluating their competences for a given position.   
In his opinion, the EDPS concluded that the DG ADMIN has substantially followed all the principles of the Regulation. Nevertheless the EDPS recommended, among others, that DG ADMIN: 
  • Clarifies and reconsiders the storage periods.
  • Limits the amount of information transferred during the first phase of the procedure
  • Ensures that applicants have access to their file. 
  • Ensure that access to the data held by the sub-contractor is not limited to an "oral feedback ".   
  • Amend the privacy policy as recommended in the Opinion.
  • Raise awareness among DG ADMIN A5 and DG ADMIN CCN-Proc regarding the need to ensure the confidentiality of the information.
  • Implement as soon as possible the security measures intended to enhance the security of the information held and exchanged electronically.
Available languages: English, French

Trainee recruitment - Parliament

Opinion of 31 July 2007 on a notification for prior checking on Trainee Recruitment (Case 2007-208)

The purpose of the processing is to recruit trainees to contribute to the European education and vocational training of citizens and give them an insight into the way the Institution functions.  Parliament offers several options for traineeships within its Secretariat, to provide opportunities for vocational training and for learning more about what the European Parliament is and does. The traineeships may be paid or unpaid and include a general option and a journalism option. 

In his Opinion the EDPS has recommended various actions in order to ensure that the data processing fully complies with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.  In particular, among others, the EDPS has recommended certain periods for retaining different types of data about the trainee that the data controller must adopt and that the trainee is kept informed of these periods.  He has also recommended that it would be good practice to ensure that recipients are reminded when they receive the personal data of candidates that they should not use the data for any further purposes beyond that of trainee recruitment.

Available languages: English, French