
Working Conditions



Dossiers sociaux - CESE et CdR

Avis du 6 décembre 2007 sur la notification d'un contrôle préalable à propos du dossier "Dossiers sociaux" (Dossier 2007-355)

Le traitement intitulé "dossiers sociaux" par le CESE et le CdR" concerne l'aide, le soutien et l'accompagnement du personnel du CESE et du CdR en difficulté. Cela se fait avec leur accord et parfois en étroite collaboration avec le service médical en vue de faire progresser une situation. Le cas échéant, cela conduit à leur orientation vers les ressources adéquates internes ou externes aux institutions européennes avec l'accord du demandeur dans la mesure du possible.
D'après la procédure, aucun formulaire type à remplir n'existe. Dans le cadre du traitement des différentes catégories de données sont collectées, notamment des données administratives, médicales, professionnelles, financières, juridiques et familiales ainsi que toutes les pièces justificatives nécessaires destinées à argumenter toute demande d'aide soumise à l'AIPN. L'assistant social examine la situation en collectant les données nécessaires et sur cette base propose une aide appropriée. Dans le cadre d'une demande d'intervention de l'organe concerné un rapport social est rédigé et il est soumis à l'AIPN de l'organe concerné afin qu'une décision soit prise.
Dans le cas des aides complémentaires aux handicapés ou des remboursements des frais dans le cas des gardes d'enfants malades, des données relatives à la santé sont traitées. En outre, afin de pouvoir accorder le droit à une aide sociale, un certain nombre d'aspects de la personnalité de la personne concernée est évalué, à savoir des données relatives à son état financier, familial, professionnel et social. C'est pourquoi, ce traitement entre dans le champ d'application de la procédure de contrôle préalable sur la base des articles 27.2.a) et 27.2.b) du règlement 45/2001 respectivement.

Dans le cadre de ses recommandations, le CEPD a notamment souligné qu'à titre de règle générale, le droit d'accès et de rectification soit accordé à la personne concernée au regard de son dossier ainsi que des notes personnelles de l'assistant social, sauf des exceptions légitimes. Il a été aussi recommandé que le CESE et le CdR mentionnent dans la note d'information qu'il revient au personnel demandeur d'une aide et qu'ils informent les personnes auxquelles il fait référence de leurs propres droits relatifs aux articles 11 et 12. Il revient également au demandeur d'aide de fournir à ces personnes l'information disponible sur le site intranet afin qu'elles soient informées de leurs droits. La note d'information doit aussi faire référence à la possibilité du fait que, dans certains cas, le droit des personnes concernées d'avoir accès à certaines données relatives à leur dossier soit limité à la lumière de l'article 20.1.c du règlement, mais qu'elles seront informées des principales raisons qui motivent cette limitation en conformité avec l'article 20.3 du règlement.

Available languages: French

Strikes and equivalent action - Council

Opinion of 29 November 2007 concerning administrative management in the event of strikes and equivalent action: deductions from salaries and requisitions (Case 2004-249)
Arrangements concerning the right to strike at the Council are governed by a Staff Note (43/203) dated 2 April 2003 on measures to be applied in the event of strikes and equivalent action and by a record of agreement following consultation dated 24 May 2004. The purpose of the data processing operation is to establish a reliable list of strike participants in order to apply a salary deduction to them and to ensure the requisition of the staff necessary for the operation of certain essential services.
The main recommendations made by the EDPS in the context of his opinion on the procedure for the management of data relating to participation in strikes concern the provision of information to data recipients on the occasion of transfers and to data subjects.

Available languages: English, French

Attestation - Committee of the Regions

Opinion of 29 November 2007 on a notification for prior checking concerning the "attestation procedure" case (Case 2007-352)

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is organising a selection procedure for officials authorised to follow the attestation exercise. The purpose of the data processing is to select officials serving in categories C or D before 1 May 2004 who may become members of the assistants' function group without career restriction.
The attestation procedure comprises three stages: publication of a call for applications; establishment of a list of applicants admitted to the attestation procedure; attestation on posts recognised as "administrative assistant" level. Consideration is given to criteria linked to merit, level of training, seniority and professional experience.
The main recommendations issued by the EDPS in his opinion on attestation relate to the time limit for storage of data collected in the personal file, the adequacy of security measures attached to this storage and information to the data subjects.

Available languages: English, French

Processing of personal data by social services - Court of Auditors

Opinion of 8 November 2007 on a notification for prior checking on processing of personal data by the social services (Case 2007-302)

The Social Service of the Court of Auditors is provided by a professionally qualified social worker who is responsible for the provision of social financial assistance and psychosocial support. Types of assistance include home help, assistance for disabled officials or disabled dependents of officials, loans and aid granted on social grounds (special assistance in extreme circumstances). The social worker also offers psychosocial support to officials and their families, retired officials, and the surviving family members of deceased officials. The social worker also provides practical assistance chiefly in the form of information as to the availability of resources and services in specific areas.
As a rule, the relevant data are compiled by the social worker in an interview with the applicant. In certain cases, the applicant is requested to complete certain forms. If need be, medical approval is sought from the Medical Service or from the JSIS's medical officer. A decision, drawn up by the social worker, is submitted to the Appointing Authority (Head of Division, Human Resources) for signature and the beneficiary is informed of the decision.
When the social worker meets with the client, personal and private data are compiled in a personal record, which is only accessible to the social worker. The social worker is bound by professional secrecy and that all conversations will be confidential. The social worker may make personal notes concerning the client's situation as a memory aid and for future reference. Any documentation in the file supplied by the applicant remains the property of the applicant and, on request, may be returned to the persons concerned.

The EDPS opinion concluded that the processing proposed does not seem to involve any infringement of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, as long certain recommendations are taken into account and notably that the Court of Auditors assesses the period of conservation of short term assistance; that the Court of Auditors ensures, in compliance with Article 4(1)(e) that the data stored in Excel tables for statistical and record-keeping purposes are kept in an anonymous form or with the identity of the data subject encrypted; and that further information must be provided to data subjects in accordance with Articles 11 and 12.

Available languages: English, French

Flexitime at DG INFSO - Commission

Opinion of 19 October 2007 on a notification for prior checking on the implementation of flexitime specific to DG INFSO (Case 2007-218)

Within the general framework of Time management regulated by the "SYSPER 2 Time management system", DG INFSO added to the application of Flexitime an additional and important component in the element of a RFID chip integrated in the personal badge necessary to clock in and out. The inclusion of such a technology into a flexitime system thus reinforces the specific risks already present in the system. Therefore, the EDPS considered the case as such subject to prior checking.
In his analysis, the EDPS concluded that the system does process personal data because the data relate to natural persons who are identifiable, for instance by the use of names, personal numbers. Furthermore, the EDPS analysed closely the necessity test applied to the system and concluded that there was not a specific need to develop a badging system using RFID to implement a flexitime system, as the same purpose (management of working hours) could be reached by other, less intrusive, means.  However, the EDPS also accepted that "need" does not mean that it is unavoidable but that it can be considered reasonably necessary in the specific context for fulfilling the purpose aimed at. Therefore, a margin of appreciation is left at the discretion of the administration in deciding to implement this system using RFID. If the safeguards and proportionality are present, it can be considered that such a system fulfils the conditions of need.

In his conclusions, the EDPS required several modifications of the planned system regarding security aspects by introducing an interim solution, as well as concerning the drafting of the privacy statement, some organisational measures and the data subjects concerned.

Available languages: English, French