
Working Conditions



Time recording system - ETF

Opinion of 21 June 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding ETF's time recording system (Case 2007-209)

The Notification concerns ETF's electronic time recording system. The time recording exercise requires staff members to account for the use of their time spent at work by entering the hours worked and the activity carried out during those hours in a time-keeping database. The system is operated under the management of ETF’s Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit ("PMEU"). It is designed to enhance ETF’s capacity to plan, monitor, and account for the deployment of its human resources against strategic and operational planned objectives.

While designed for these purposes, there was a possibility that the database could also be used for performance evaluation. Therefore, the EDPS paid special attention to ensure that a number of his key recommendations are taken into account.  When commenting on the draft EDPS Opinion, ETF already noted that some of these recommendations have already been or will be implemented. Some key recommendations related to data quality and purpose limitation. The EDPS emphasized that the procedures for the exercise must be revised to ensure a higher level of accuracy, reliability, and consistency of the data. Even after such changes are implemented, ETF management must clearly and explicitly recognize the limitations of the reliability of the data to inform decisions that may individually affect data subjects. Therefore, data included in the database should only be used as one of several, only informative, rather than decisive, factors to be considered in the decision-making process. For the same reason, the database, on the individual level, can only be used for purposes directly relevant for the management of a specific project. In particular, the database cannot be used for purposes of performance appraisal, promotion, or assessing contract renewal, and the use of the database should not lead to dismissal, exclusion from contract renewals, promotion, or training opportunities, exclusion when tasks are allocated or team leaders and managers are selected, or to other similar prejudices to staff members. This does not mean that staff members who are unable to account for a productive use of their time cannot be dismissed or excluded when tasks are distributed. However, these decisions must be made based on information other than data in the database.

The EDPS also made important recommendations regarding the recipients. He noted that access to the database must be clearly limited on a need-to-know basis. In particular, access of the head of unit of the PMEU and his staff must not include access to individual data. Conservation periods must also be strictly limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing operation. Only aggregate data should be retained for the five-year period provided for in ETF's Financial Regulation. As far as information to data subjects is concerned, the information provided to data subjects must be supplemented with reference to the right of recourse to the EDPS. In addition, communication of the purposes and uses of the database must be improved. The EDPS especially emphasises the importance of clear specification of any limitations on such uses.

Available languages: English, French

Certification procedure - Parliament

Opinion of 6 June 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "certification procedure" dossier (Case 2007-168)
By Bureau Decision of 26 September 2005 the European Parliament adopted the arrangements for implementation of the certification procedure. Article 45a of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, as amended by Regulation No 723/2004, enables officials in function group AST to be appointed to a post in function group AD on condition that, firstly, they have been selected by the institution to take part in a training programme, secondly, they have completed the training programme and, thirdly, they have passed examinations demonstrating that they have successfully taken part in the training programme.
The main recommendations made by the EDPS in the context of his opinion on the certification procedure concern the storage of data and the information supplied to data subjects.

Available languages: English, French

Stress at work - OHIM

Opinion of 2 May 2007 on a study on stress at work (Case 2006-520)

In order to comply with Spanish Law OHIM is launching a study designed at assessing stress at work. One phase of this study consists in the design and launching of a survey on stress at work, on a voluntary and anonymous basis, in the form of a questionnaire and interviews with staff members. This questionnaire is designed by an external consulting company (MAPFRE).
The results of the questionnaires and interviews will be analysed per post and task and will lead to the drawing up of graphs and comparative tables per department and at a global level made available to the Occupational Risk Prevention Sector, the Staff Committee and the Management Committee of the OHIM.
In his opinion, the EDPS has held that although designed to process data on an anonymous basis, the processing operation could involve the processing of personal data in the terms of Regulation 45/2001. Some of the data requested in the questionnaire, notably the age of the person, the sex, the number of years spent at the OHIM and the department to which the person belongs, together with additional information on a person's social and family life, health, working and employment conditions, and taking into account the size of the agency and of some of the departments under analysis, imply that quite a few respondents must be considered as reasonably identifiable, in any case for those involved in the OHIM. In this respect therefore, the EDPS considers that the principles and obligations provided for in Regulation 45/2001 should apply.
The EDPS has recommended that the controller make use of Article 20 §2 to limit the rights laid down in Articles 13 to 16 of the Regulation as regards the questionnaire to be filled in on the Websurveyor as the data are "kept in personal form for a period which does not exceed the period necessary for the sole purpose of compiling statistics". Providing the data subjects with a right of access to the data notably implies that the controller should be able to trace the questionnaire according to the identity of the person and this is something the EDPS would like to avoid so as to ensure the anonymity of the persons concerned.

To avoid identification of staff filling in the questionnaire, the EDPS further recommends that the box for free text is removed so as to avoid that staff members introduce data leading to their identification.

Available languages: English, French