
Certification procedure - Court of Justice


Certification procedure - Court of Justice

Opinion of 3 October 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "certification procedure" dosser (Case 2007-434)

The Court of Justice adopted arrangements for implementing the certification procedure by decision of the Court's Administrative Committee of 15 June 2005. Article 45a of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities (hereinafter "the Staff Regulations"), as amended by Regulation No 723/2004, enables officials in function group AST to be appointed to a post in function group AD on condition that, firstly, they have been selected by the institution to take part in a training programme, secondly, they have completed the training programme and, thirdly, they have passed examinations demonstrating that they have successfully taken part in the training programme.

The main recommendations made by the EDPS in the context of his opinion on the certification procedure concern the storage of data and the information supplied to data subjects.

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