
Promotion of Officials and Regrading of Temporary Agents - OHIM


Promotion of Officials and Regrading of Temporary Agents - OHIM

Opinion of 7 November 2008 on the notification for prior checking regarding the Internal Promotion of Officials and Regrading of Temporary Agents (Case 2008-095)

The purpose of the processingis to conduct the yearly internal promotion/regrading exercise for members of staff. At the beginning of each yearly exercise, the lists of the staff members eligible for promotion and regrading are published on the OHIM's Intranet. A database of staff members to whom promotion/regrading points may be awarded is set up containing administrative data synchronised from a human resources module. The database is made accessible for the respective Directors for a limited period of time so that they can attribute the promotion/regrading points. The members of the Management Committee have to agree on a proposal of points to be awarded. An individual notification of the proposed points is sent to the staff members concerned who may lodge an appeal against the notification within ten working days to the Joint Evaluation and Promotion Committee (JEPC). Before the Appointing Authority takes a formal decision concerning promotions, the JEPC shall examine and issue an opinion on the list of candidates for promotion. It shall also issue an opinion on the overall awarding of promotion points. Wherever relevant, it shall formulate recommendations to the Appointing Authority. The final promotion/regrading points are awarded by the Appointing Authority and notified to the staff member concerned. The lists of promoted/regraded staff members are published on OHIM's Intranet.
The EDPS examined the procedure and concluded that there is no reason to believe that there is a breach of the provisions of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 provided that certain considerations are taken into account notably that the conservation period be reassessed after the first ten years based on practical experience; the recipients be made aware that they shall process the personal data they receive in the course of the promotions procedure only for that purpose; and that information is provided on categories of data processed, notably in the data base, and the recipients of the data other than the Management Committee and the HRD's Personnel Administration Sector.
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