
Health Data in the Workplace



PowerLab Management - Commission

Opinion of 17 January 2008 on a notification for prior checking concerning the Management of Clinical and Toxicological Laboratories Environment  (PowerLab) at DG JRC (Case 2007-649)

Available languages: English, French

Dossiers médicaux des enfants de la crèche - Conseil

Avis du 17 janvier 2008 sur la notification d'un contrôle préalable à propos du dossier "Gestion des dossiers médicaux des enfants fréquentant la Crèche du Secrétariat Général du Conseil (SGC)" (Dossier 2007-491)

Available languages: French

Staff evaluation - EMCDDA

Opinion of 11 January 2008 on a notification for prior checking concerning the "Staff evaluation / assessment exercise" (Case 2007-334)

The EMCDDA carries out an assessment of staff's probationary periods with recommendation to retain the staff member or not and an annual staff appraisal subsequently to be used as a basis for the annual staff promotion exercise. These processing operations are carried out by the Human Resource Service (HR), a sector within the Administration Unit of the EMCDDA. The data subjects concerned are permanent, temporary and contractual staff working in the EMCDDA.
The procedures under examination are intended to evaluate the persons assessed at the end of their probationary period and once a year. The personal data which are processed for that purpose are related to the abilities, the efficiency and the conduct of the staff member. Therefore there is an appraisal of the ability and skills of the persons assessed which justifies the submission of the procedure to prior checking by the EDPS under Article 27 (2) (b) of Regulation 45/2001.
The EDPS recommendations to be implemented by the EMCDDA included, inter alia,
i) the setting of data storage period at 10 years, starting from the time when the staff member leaves or from the last pension payment and

ii) the preparation of a note referring clearly to all elements provided in Articles 11 and 12 of the Regulation and making sure that the data subjects are informed of this note before the exercises of the probationary period assessment and of the staff's annual appraisal begin.

Available languages: English