
Health Data in the Workplace



JRC-IRMM Childcare facility (Crèche) in Geel - Commission

Opinion of 23 May 2008 on a notification for prior checking regarding the processing operations on personal data concerning "JRC-IRMM Childcare Facility (Crèche) in Geel" (Case 2008-152)
The purpose of the Childcare Facility ("crèche") of the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements is to ensure that staff arriving in Geel, often far from their place of origin, have easy access to day-care facilities for young children. The purpose of the processing of personal data is to calculate the financial contribution to be paid by the parents of children enrolled at the Childcare Facility each month and to know whom to contact in case of an emergency.

The EDPS recommendations provided in this opinion aim to ensure the full compliance of the processing with Regulation 45/2001 and concern, in particular, the storage periods the data protection aspects in the contract between the controller and the processor, the status of medical data, as well as the information to be provided to the data subjects (parents, contact persons).

Available languages: English, French

Childcare facilities at JRC Ispra - Commission

Opinion of 21 April 2008 on a notification for prior checking regarding the "Administration of JRC Ispra childcare facilities (crèche / garderie) (Case 2007-544)
The primary purpose of the processing is to admit children to the JRC Ispra Childcare Facilities, i.e. to the Crèche, the Garderie, the "Special Holidays" Garderie and the Halte-Garderie. The secondary purposes of the processing include the verification of the presence of the children, their medical surveillance, as well as the verification of the identity of persons authorised to collect the children.
The EDPS recommendations provided in this opinion aim to ensure the full compliance of the processing with Regulation 45/2001 and concern, in particular, the storage periods, as well as the information to be provided to the data subjects.

Available languages: English, French

Family leave - EMEA

Opinion of 14 April 2008 on a notification for prior checking concerning the "Family leave / Compel personnel database / Electronic document management system (EDMS)" (Case 2007-498)
Health-related personal data of family members are being processed in connection with family leave that can be granted upon application in case of medically certified serious illness or handicap of certain family relatives.
The respective medical certificates are being validated by the EMEA Personnel & Budget Sector staff and/or may be reviewed by an UK based external medical contractor.
The EDPS recommendations provided in this opinion aim to ensure the full compliance of the processing with Regulation 45/2001 and concern, in particular, data transfers, the modalities of exercise of rights of access and rectification, as well as the information to be provided to the data subjects.

Available languages: English, French