
Privacy in the EU Institutions

Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 lays down the data protection obligations for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies when they process personal data and develop new policies. This regulation also defines the obligations of the EDPS, including his role as an independent supervisory authority of EU institutions and bodies when they process personal data, and to advise on policies and legislation which affect privacy and cooperate with similar authorities to ensure consistent data protection.






Maladie de longue durée - CoR

Avis du Contrôleur européen de la protection des données concernant la notification du Comité des régions relative à l'octroi de l'allocation pour enfant à charge doublée en cas d'un handicap ou d'une maladie de longue durée (Dossier 2014-0424)

Available languages: French

Selection of temporary and contract agents and of Seconded National Experts - ACER

Opinion of 28 May 2014 on the notifications for prior checking received from the Data Protection Officer of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) concerning the selection of temporary and contract agents and of Seconded National Experts (Cases 2012-1012 and 1013)