

In this session, you can find an overview of events, conferences and meetings the EDPS organises or participates in. Please check our speaking engagements policy if you want to invite us to speak during an event.


Data protection in the age of SWIFT, PNR, Prüm and e-justice, Trier

This conference provides the opportunity to discuss a number of current issues, such as:

  • What kind of technology for the collection, analysis and exchange of data will be necessary to achieve effective law-enforcement?
  • How can these needs be accommodated under the "EU information exchange model"?
  • What is the future of EU-US data exchange after the controversy over SWIFT, also with a view to the exchange of Passenger Name Records and the general agreement on data protection?
  • What is the impact of the ECJ decision on the independence of data protection authorities in Germany?
  • What considerations from the judgment of the Bundesverfassungsgericht on data retention are relevant for data protection in all Member States?
  • How does data exchange under the 'Prüm' mechanism work in practice?
  • How will the EU legal framework for data protection evolve under the Lisbon Treaty?

More information on ERA's website.



3rd Workshop on Data Protection in International Organisations, Florence

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), in cooperation with the European University Institute (EUI), will organise the third Data Protection Workshop on International Organisations on 27 and 28 May 2010 at Theatre, Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute in Florence, Italy. This workshop, bringing together various international organisations as well as professors in a separate academic session, aims to tackle some of the pervasive issues concerning privacy and data protection that exist today. 

More information.


Festival of Europe in Brussels - Open Day of the European institutions

Visitors filling in the EDPS quiz during EU Open Day

On Saturday from 11.00 am to 03.00 pm, the staff of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) welcomed visitors at their information stand in the EP Parliament (ASP Building, Main Street). At the EDPS information stand the visitors were invited to participate to a quiz on data protection issues. The event was organised in the framework of the Open Day of the European institutions.

Within the correct answers, a random draw has awarded 10 secure USB keys to the winners.

Below is the quiz with the correct answers.

Available languages: English

3rd International Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference, Brussels

The conference on "Computers, Privacy and Data Protection – CPDP 2010" aims to create a bridge between policymakers, academics, practitioners and activists, exchange ideas and discuss emerging issues of information technology, privacy, data protection and law.

This year’s conference theme is "An Element of Choice" as a reference to the many options open for data protection policy.

Members of the EDPS secretariat have taken part to panel discussions. Peter Hustinx has provided the concluding notes to the conference.

More information: