

In this session, you can find an overview of events, conferences and meetings the EDPS organises or participates in. Please check our speaking engagements policy if you want to invite us to speak during an event.


EDPS workshop on video-surveillance, Brussels

The EDPS published the first consultation draft of his video-surveillance guidelines on 7 July 2009. Data Protection Officers of the European institutions and bodies and other stakeholders were invited to comment on these guidelines by 15 September 2009. The EDPS held a workshop on 30 September with a view to elicit further feedback to improve the draft Guidelines and increase cooperation to ensure compliance with data protection principles.


EESC Public hearing on social networking

Giovanni Buttarelli participated to a public hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Committee on the "Impact of social networking websites".

Chaired by Ms Brenda King, this event brought together more than 50 persons representing the industry, various stakeholders' associations and NGOs, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the Committee of the Regions (CoR), the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Commission and other European Union institutions, in a lively debate on the pros and cons of social networking sites.


EU Open Day 2009

On Saturday 9 May from 11.00 a.m. to 16.00, the staff of European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) welcomed visitors at their information stand in the EP Parliament (ASP Building, Main Street). The event was organised in the framework of the Open Day at the European Institutions. The Schumann roundabout hosted a large number of different activities.

The visitors were invited to participate to a quiz concerning data protection. Within the correct answers, a lottery awarded 20 USB keys.

You will find the quiz below with the correct answers.

Available languages: English

Third European Data Protection Day

The Member States of the Council of Europe, as well as the European institutions and bodies celebrated Data Protection Day for the third time.

To mark the event, just as the two previous years, the EDPS held an information stand on three consecutive days in the European Commission (26 January), the Council (27 January) and the European Parliament (28 January).

The event gave the EDPS and Data Protection Officers the opportunity to focus on raising awareness among the EU staff about their rights and obligations regarding data protection. A number of communication tools, multimedia material and information brochures have been made available as a support.

A quiz on both the EDPS and Data Protection Officers' respective roles was also made available on the spot. A random draw determined the winners of USB keys.

Practical information:

  • European Commission: Monday 26 January ; 11.30 - 16.00 Berlaymont Building , main entrance hall
  • Council: 27 January ; 11.30 - 16.00
    Justus Lipsius Building, Atrium
  • European Parliament: 28 January 2008 ; 11.30 - 16.00
    ASP Building , main street

The EDPS quiz designed for the Data Protection Day 2009 is now available. The right answers are:
1.a)     2.b)    3.b)    4.c)    5.c)    6.c)

EDPS participation to European Schoolnet Data Protection Competition

To celebrate Data Protection Day on 28 January 2009,  European Schoolnet has launched a video competition, targeting young people from 15 to 19 years old, to encourage reflection on privacy and data protection. Participants were invited to express their thoughts and concerns about the use of their personal information in a 30-90 second video on the theme “Surf the internet – think Privacy” and to upload it before the 20 January 2009. Representatives from winning teams were invited in Brussels to attend the Data Protection Ceremony on 28 January 2009 at the European Parliament.

The European Data Protection Supervisor, Peter Hustinx, took part to this event by serving as a member of the jury and providing his conclusions and closing remarks in connection with the panel discussion at the event.

The Data Protection Competition was organised by European Schoolnet ( with the support of Microsoft.

Event programme

Available languages: English, French
Data Protection Day 2009 Poster
Available languages: English, French

Second European Data Protection Day

Initiative of the Council of Europe

The Member States of the Council of Europe and the European institutions will celebrate Data Protection Day for the second time on 28 January 2008. This date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe's Convention 108, the first legally binding international instrument related to data protection. The Council of Europe's website provides for a page dedicated to the event from which you can access - via the country flags list - the various initiatives that have been or will be undertaken across Europe to commemorate Europe’s second Data Protection Day. The EDPS is taking part in these activities.

EDPS activities

The event will give the EDPS the opportunity to focus on raising awareness among MEPs and EU staff about their rights and obligations regarding data protection. A one-day information stand will be set up in the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council premises.
The EDPS will outline his supervisory, consultative and cooperative roles, as well as his achievements and current activities. A number of communication tools and multimedia material will be used as a support. A quiz will also be made available on the spot as well as on the EDPS website.  

Interviews with Mr. Peter Hustinx, EDPS, on YouTube

Peter Hustinx speaks about global privacy standards and his proposals to reform the EU data protection regime. Introduction by Andrea Renda from the Brussels think tank the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) (CEPS-Google panel discussion "Online Privacy: Reconsidering Policy Options for the Digital Age" on 10 October 2007 in Brussels, Belgium).

Part 2
Peter Hustinx comments on the speeches by Peter Fleischer and Alexander Alvaro (at CEPS-Google panel discussion "Online Privacy: Reconsidering Policy Options for the Digital Age" on 10 October 2007 in Brussels, Belgium).

EDPS information stand in the Institutions - Quiz

The visitors of our stand in the Institutions on 28, 29 and 30 January were invited to participate to a quiz concerning data protection in the EU institutions and bodies.

Within the correct answers, there was a lottery for USB key gifts (10 USB keys were awarded).

The EDPS Quiz is now available below. The right answers are as follows: 1. a) 2. b) 3. b) 4. a)
Available languages: English
Data Protection Day 2008 Poster
Available languages: English