
Public authority

Data protection supervision over national public authorities is carried out by the national data protection authorities. All EU Member States have at least one such authority.

You can also take up your complaint with the courts in the relevant Member State.

The EDPS is not competent for complaints against national public authorities. We can therefore only refer you to the relevant national authorities.

You can find contact details for the national data protection authorities of the EU Member States on the website of the European Data Protection Board. In case there are multiple data protection authorities in a Member State, their websites can help you in identifying which one will be best-placed to help you.

For the contact details of more data protection authorities worldwide, please see the list of members of the International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners.

If you believe that a Member State is in breach of EU law, you can complain to the European Commission. In its role as guardian of the treaties, the Commission can launch infringement proceedings against Member States who breach EU law. For more information, please see here.

If you believe that a an EFTA Member State is in breach of EFTA law, you can complain to the EFTA Surveillance Authority, which can launch infringement proceedings against EFTA Member States who breach rules covered under the EEA agreement. For more information, please see here.