
Borders, Asylum, Migration

People want to enter the EU for a variety of reasons and through different channels: reuniting with family, work, business or education but also to escape from political oppression or war.  EU State authorities need to cooperate on border management to keep our borders secure.  They also have a shared responsibility for treating asylum seekers equally throughout the EU. A number of information sharing mechanisms - which include the collection and the exchange of information on non EU citizens - are central to their cooperation on migration and asylum.



Newsletter (107)

Commencing 2024 on a high: the EDPS has launched the celebrations for its 20th anniversary, with numerous initiatives and actions to take place throughout the year to fuel the future of privacy. January also marked Data Protection Day, a time to delve deeper into the data protection issues and approaches to take to protect individuals, and more. This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


EDPS Opinion 4/2024 on the Proposal for a Regulation on enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings

EDPS Opinion 4/2024 on the Proposal for a Regulation on enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and on enhancing Europol’s support to preventing and combating such crimes and amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794.

Available languages: German, English, French