
Privacy in the EU Institutions

Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 lays down the data protection obligations for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies when they process personal data and develop new policies. This regulation also defines the obligations of the EDPS, including his role as an independent supervisory authority of EU institutions and bodies when they process personal data, and to advise on policies and legislation which affect privacy and cooperate with similar authorities to ensure consistent data protection.






2013 Annual report - A single set of rules for all: EU Data Protection Reform can support businesses and protect citizens

In 2013, in the context of his consultation work advising on new legislative measures, the review of the EU legal framework for data protection continued to be at the top of the EDPS agenda and will remain a priority in 2014. The Digital Agenda and the privacy risks of new technologies were also significant features of 2013.

The implementation of the Stockholm programme in the area of freedom, security and justice and issues in the internal market, such as financial sector reform, and in public health and consumer affairs, also had an impact on data protection. The EDPS also increased his cooperation with other supervisory authorities, particularly with regard to large-scale IT systems.

In the supervision of EU institutions and bodies, when processing personal data, the EDPS interacted with more data protection officers in more institutions and bodies in 2013 than ever before. In addition, a number of EDPS surveys revealed that most EU institutions and bodies, including many agencies, have made good progress in complying with the data protection Regulation, although there are still some which should increase their efforts.

Full text of the Annual Report:
Available languages: German, English, French
Available languages: Bulgarian, German, Greek, English, French, Croatian, Italian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch
E-book (e-pub):
Available languages: German, English, French

Selection procedures for officials, temporary and contract agents and trainees - OHIM

Opinion of 26 March 2014 on the notification for prior checking concerning selection procedures for officials,
temporary and contract agents and trainees at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market ("OHIM") (Case 2012-0852)

Available languages: German, English, French

Processing of health data in the workplace - CEPOL

Opinion of 26 March 2014 on the notification for prior checking concerning the processing of health data in the workplace (CEPOL) (Case 2013-0893)

Available languages: German, English, French