

As new technologies emerge and are integrated into our lives (internet of things, for instance) new uses of personal data evolve. Together with growth in computing and detection capabilities, in the field of biometrics for instance, these evolutions raise legitimate concerns about the protection of privacy and personal data.



74th meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT)

The EDPS is hosting the 74th meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT) on 18 and 19 November 2024 as part of the activities to mark its 20th anniversary and to strengthen international cooperation in technology monitoring. The meeting, open only to members of the IWGDPT, is co-organised in collaboration with the Group’s secretariat held by the German Federal Commission for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.


EDPS Formal Comments on the Draft Implementing Regulation (EU) on Rules for Applying Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on Protocols and Interfaces for European Digital Identity Wallets

EDPS Formal comments on the draft Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards protocols and interfaces to be supported by the European Digital Identity Wallets.

Available languages: English

EDPS Formal Comments on the Draft Implementing Regulation (EU) on Rules for Applying Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on Personal Identification Data and Electronic Attestations for European Digital Identity Wallets

EDPS Formal comments on the draft Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards person identification data and electronic attestations of attributes issued to European Digital Identity Wallets.

Available languages: English