

As new technologies emerge and are integrated into our lives (internet of things, for instance) new uses of personal data evolve. Together with growth in computing and detection capabilities, in the field of biometrics for instance, these evolutions raise legitimate concerns about the protection of privacy and personal data.



EDPS Formal comments for the application of Regulation(EU) 2021/2282 of the EP and of the Council as regards the management of conflicts of interest in the joint work of the Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment and its subgroups

EDPS Formal comments on the draft Commission Implementing Regulation laying down rules for the application of Regulation(EU) 2021/2282 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the management of conflicts of interest in the joint work of the Member State Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment and its subgroups.


Newsletter (110)

This newsletter presents the EDPS’ main activities of the last 30 days: look back on the topical debates of our Summit, join us for a Techdispatch on neurodata, read up on our Opinion on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and more.