

Giovanni Buttarelli meeting with Cornelia Ernst, MEP, Brussels, Belgium

Processing of personal data  by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, Study group meeting, EESC, Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli, Brussels Belgium


60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties, Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli in the meeting of the 27 EU heads of state and heads of European Union institutions, Rome, Italy

Forum on International Privacy Law, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Königstein, Germany

Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli in DAPIX, Brussels, Belgium

Concurrences Review, Law & Economics Workshop: Big Data, Speech by Giovanni Buttarelli, Brussels, Belgium

Driving the digital economy and Society,  Opening day of CeBIT, Speech by Giovanni Buttarelli, Brussels, Belgium

Regulating Privacy through Ethical Standards and Accountability Principles in the era of Big Data, Keynote speech of Wojciech Wiewiórowski: Towards a new digital ethics – data, dignity and technology: How to ensure accountability in personal data management?, Brussels, Belgium

Privacy Day at ICANN, Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli, Copenhagen, Denmark

Council Working Party on Financial Services, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

Article 29 Working Party, Borders, Travel & Law Enforcement subgroup, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

eID under eIDAS - compliance, state of play and technology trends, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski in the Webinar


ePrivacy ins and outs with regulators, consumers and academic experts, Roundtable debate in European Parliament, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium


Giovanni Buttarelli meeting with Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, Brussels, Belgium

Giovanni Buttarelli meeting with Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Trade, Brussels, Belgium

Giovanni Buttarelli meeting with Klaus Welle, Secretary General of the European Parliament, during an accountability visit, Brussels, Belgium

High-level expert group on information  systems and interoperability, Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli, Burssels, Belgium

3rd ESA International Security Symposium, Speech by Giovanni Buttarelli, Rome, Italy

Is your toaster watching you?, Lunchtime conference on the Internet of Things, Speeches by Giovanni Buttarelli and Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

6th Data Protection Forum with Mr Viljar PEEP, Director General, Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate, Participation of Giovanni Buttarelli and Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium