
Utilisation de caméras d’imagerie thermique et la fonctionnalité de suivi automatique des caméras - BCE


Utilisation de caméras d’imagerie thermique et la fonctionnalité de suivi automatique des caméras - BCE

Prior-checking Opinion regarding the use of thermal imaging cameras and the auto-track functionality of pan-tilt cameras at the European Central Bank (case 2015-0938)

This case marks the first prior-checking Opinion involving the assessment of a data protection impact assessment (DPIA).

The Opinion regards the use of thermal imaging cameras and the auto-track functionality of pan-tilt cameras at the European Central Bank (ECB). Under the EDPS Video-surveillance Guidelines such "high-tech video-surveillance tools" are subject to prior checking and permissible only subject to a DPIA. The DPIA conducted by the ECB allowed the EDPS to assess the permissibility of the technique used by the ECB.

The EDPS concluded that, because of the comprehensiveness of the information provided in the notification, of the outcome of the assessment and of the circumstances driving the ECB to apply these measures, operations may start before certain additionally recommended data protection safeguards have been implemented.

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français