

Let’s get ethical

Giovanni Buttarelli

On 24-25 October this year, Brussels will be the venue for a unique international gathering. The atmosphere may perhaps be more cordial than the summit hosted by Europe’s capital earlier this week, with certainly much less disruption to traffic.

Civil society organisations as natural allies of the data protection authorities

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Earlier this year , we met with the European civil liberties organizations to discuss the state of data protection and privacy in the EU. This ‘EDPS-Civil Society (CSO) Summit’ is becoming a fond tradition I believe on both sides.  I will meet a number of these good people again for the RightsCon event, this year to be held in Toronto 16-18 May, where I will be part of a panel on the ‘global state of data protection’

'Accept and continue': billions are clocking into digital sweat factories without realising it

Giovanni Buttarelli

The digital information ecosystem farms people for their attention, ideas and data in exchange for so called 'free' services. Unlike their analogue equivalents, these sweatshops of the connected world extract more than one's labour, and while clocking into the online factory is effortless it is often impossible to clock off.

The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield two years on

Giovanni Buttarelli

Where I come from, we have a pleasing little idiom: conoscere i propri polli – literally, to know one’s own chickens.  It means to have an intimate appreciation of a character or a familiar situation. We in Europe certainly need to get better acquainted with our own way of safeguarding public security, as the ongoing debate on international commercial data flows illustrates.


Accountability in practice: Preparing for new data protection rules in the EU institutions

Wojciech Wiewiórowski

25 May 2018 is not only GDPR day.
It is also scheduled to be the day on which a new Regulation (the new 45) governing data processing by the European Institutions, Bodies and Agencies (EUIs), will become applicable, replacing the current Regulation (EC) No. 45/2001.

Time running out to ensure effective data protection in the EU institutions

Giovanni Buttarelli

25 May 2018 will mark an important milestone in the history of data protection with the full application of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Together with the Data Protection Directive for police and criminal justice authorities, the GDPR will set the standard for personal data processing for many years to come.

Less is sometimes more

Giovanni Buttarelli

We are approaching the holiday season, a period of excess and over-indulgence followed by doomed resolutions to live more healthily and frugally in the New Year.

Data protection of course has always been about dignity and restraint. It is based on the idea that respect for humans means being careful with what you do with information about them.