

dpo network

Reiterating our commitment to support Data Protection Officers of the EU institutions

At the EDPS, we attach huge importance to these bi-annual meetings with the DPO network, as these allow us to enhance our cooperation, and to acknowledge the efficient and hard work of the DPOs of the EUIs over the years.

Read blogpost on the latest meeting with the DPO network


IPEN webinar on central bank digital currency

On 1st December at 14:30 CET, the EDPS organised an IPEN Webinar to discuss the state of the art of the available design options in the field of transaction validation, auditability and monitoring for compliant and privacy-enhancing solutions.

Supervision Conference V5

Supervision Conference: Data protection and criminal justice

EDPS,  Eurojust and EPPO are hosting a conference on data protection in the field of criminal justice in the EU.

  • When: 29 November 2022 from 8:45 to 18:00 CET
  • Where: Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium / online

Check the event page for more information and the registration form.

lock in blue

EU-wide cybersecurity requirements to protect privacy and personal data

The cybersecurity of products with digital elements is of utmost importance to protect effectively individuals’ fundamental rights in the digital age, including their rights to privacy and data protection.

Read Press Release

Read EDPS Opinion


six arms holding microphones to represent media freedom

EU Media Freedom Act: EDPS calls for better protection for all journalists and a ban on highly advanced military-grade spyware

The EDPS is concerned that the measures envisaged to protect journalists, their sources, and media service providers in the proposed EU Media Freedom Act may not be effective in practice.

Read Press Release

Read EDPS Opinion


TechSonar Report 2022-2023

TechSonar aims to anticipate emerging technology trends.

witch on a broom to symbolise the EDPS Halloween newsletter

Newsletter 97

In newsletter #97, learn about and sign up to our upcoming Supervision Conference. Read up on our latest audit on three of the EU's large IT systems, our Formal Comments on Smart Meters, our latest Supervisory Opinion, and more!

Read Newsletter 97


European CyberSecurity Month

2022 marks the 10th Anniversary of the European CyberSecurity Month.

Read our infographics on phishing and ransomware.

Watch the video message by the EDPS Wojciech Wiewiórowski.


artificial intelligence

AI Convention: stronger protection of fundamental rights is necessary

The EDPS considers the Convention as an important opportunity to complement the European Commission’s proposed Artificial Intelligence Act by strengthening the protection of individuals’ fundamental rights.

Read Press Release

Read EDPS Opinion