
Necessity & Proportionality

Necessity is a fundamental principle when assessing the restriction of fundamental rights, such as the right to the protection of personal data. According to case-law, because of the role the processing of personal data entails for a series of fundamental rights, the limiting of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data must be strictly necessary.

Necessity shall be justified on the basis of objective evidence and is the first step before assessing the proportionality of the limitation.  Necessity is also fundamental when assessing the lawfulness of the processing of personal data. The processing operations, the categories of data processed and the duration the data are kept shall be necessary for the purpose of the processing.


Proportionality is a general principle of EU law. It restricts authorities in the exercise of their powers by requiring them to strike a balance between the means used and the intended aim. In the context of fundamental rights, such as the right to the protection of personal data, proportionality is key for any limitation on these rights.

More specifically, proportionality requires that advantages due to limiting the right are not outweighed by the disadvantages to exercise the right.  In other words, the limitation on the right must be justified. Safeguards accompanying a measure can support the justification of a measure.  A pre-condition is that the measure is adequate to achieve the envisaged objective. In addition, when assessing the processing of personal data, proportionality requires that only that personal data which is adequate and relevant for the purposes of the processing is collected and processed.



The EDPS quick-guide to necessity and proportionality

Processing of personal data - be it collection, storage, use or disclosure - constitutes a limitation on the right to the protection of personal data and must comply with EU law. This requires ensuring that it is both necessary and proportional.

The 8 steps outlined in "The EDPS quick-guide to necessity and proportionality" will help you assess the compatibility of measures impacting the  fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Available languages: English

Assessing the proportionality of measures that limit the fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data.

These EDPS Guidelines explore in greater depth, and provide relevant examples of, issues relating to the impact on the fundamental rights to privacy and the protection of personal data, focusing on and complementing in particular Tool#28 of the Commission Better Regulation Toolbox and the Operational Guidance on taking account of Fundamental Rights in Commission Impact Assessments. The Guidelines also complement the EDPS Necessity Toolkit.


Accountability on the ground: Guidance on documenting processing operations for EU institutions, bodies and agencies

Accountability on the ground: Guidance on documenting processing operations for EU institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIs). These documents provide provisional guidance for controllers and DPO in the EUIs on how to generate records for their processing operations, how to decide whether they need to carry out data protection impact assessments (DPIAs), how to do DPIAs and when to do prior consultations to the EDPS (Articles 31, 39 and 40 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725).

A provisional version of this text was published in February 2018. The current version 1.3 was published in July 2019.


Available languages: German, English, French
Part I: Records and threshold assessment
Available languages: German, English, French
Part II: DPIAs and prior consultation
Available languages: German, English, French

EDPS Guidelines on assessing the proportionality of measures that limit the fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data

As the independent advisor to the EU institutions and bodies under Regulation (EU) 1725/2018 on all matters concerning processing of personal data, the European Data Protection Supervisor (hereinafter, ‘the EDPS’) intends to issue Guidelines for assessing the proportionality of measures that limit the fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data (hereinafter, ‘the Guidelines’).

The Guidelines complement the EDPS Necessity Toolkit  and specify, having regard to the fundamental right to the protection of personal data enshrined under Article 8 of the Charter, the more wide-ranging guidance by the Commission and the Council to check compatibility of legislative measures with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Through this exercise, the EDPS aims at assisting EU institutions and bodies in the task of ensuring that any limitation of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data is compliant with the requirements of EU primary law.

Before issuing the Guidelines in their final version, the EDPS is launching a stakeholders’ consultation on the draft version of the Guidelines, which you can find hereunder.

The deadline for receiving your input is 4 April 2019. The replies to the consultation should be sent to the Policy and Consultation Unit of the EDPS:

Available languages: English

Updated notifications for staff appraisal and reclassification at CdT

Prior-checking Opinion regarding the updated notifications for staff appraisal and reclassification at CdT (EDPS cases 2016-0011 and 2016-0292)