

Dans cette session, vous pouvez trouver un aperçu des événements, conférences et réunions que le CEPD organise ou auquel il participe. Veuillez consulter notre politique d’interventions si vous souhaitez nous inviter à prendre la parole lors d'un événement.


European Data Protection Day

47 countries of the Council of Europe as well as European institutions, agencies and bodies will celebrate the tenth annual European Data Protection Day. This date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe's Convention 108 on the protection of personal information, the first legally binding international law in the field of data protection.

The EDPS will mark the date with a series of events, including a conference co-hosted by the European Parliament and the EDPS for EU officials on the EU data protection reform (webstreaming available here from 10am) and a lunch conference on Smart Sharing. Also taking place will be the annual CPDP conference, featuring various presentations by EDPS experts as well as a panel, hosted by the EDPS, on Data, Dignity and Technology - Exploring Digital Ethics.

This panel will be followed in the evening by a live transatlantic discussion on big data, organised by the EDPS, the Council of Europe and the National Cyber Security Alliance. Register here for free to watch the discussion live online.

Watch our video!


Smart Sharing - A Lunchtime Trainee Conference Data Protection Day

Technological development implies bigger opportunities but also bigger challenges when it comes to data protection. In their daily lives, people constantly share information, whether they are using a tablet, searching online or communicating through social media.

However, are they really in control of the personal data they are sharing? Do they know how their personal information is processed by others? While data subjects are knowingly sharing their data online, they may be unaware of the long-term effects of their activities and the e-reputation they are building.

At this exclusive lunchtime conference for EU institution trainees, the EDPS will give you an insight into the world of data protection and provide the tools to help you stay in control of your personal information. The conference will be webstreamed and everyone can get involved in the debate through Twitter #DataProtectionDay .

For more information consult the conference programme.


Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2016: [In]visibilities and Infrastructures

The EDPS, as a premier sponsor of the CPDP conference, is delighted to once again be supporting this event, which EDPS Giovanni Buttarelli has described as the epicentre for creative ideas, sharp analysis and fierce debate on privacy and data protection.

The EDPS and Assistant Supervisor, as well as EDPS staff, will take part in various panels and activities during the three-day conference, which this year coincides with the tenth annual European Data Protection Day on 28 January. To mark the occasion, the EDPS plans to launch an ethics advisory group as part of a panel on Data, Dignity and Technology. The group will be charged with assessing the ethical implications of how personal information is defined and used in the big data world.

This panel will be followed in the evening by a live transatlantic discussion on big data, organised by the EDPS, the Council of Europe and the National Cyber Security Alliance. Register here to watch the discussion live online.

The EDPS, as supervisor of the EU institutions, will once again deliver the closing speech at the conference, where he will focus on 2016 as a landmark year for data protection, not only for the EU institutions, but for all individuals.

For more information and to register visit:

You will also be able to follow our live tweets from the conference @EU_EDPS


37th International Privacy Conference

From 26 to 29 October 2015, the Dutch Data Protection Authority will host the 37th International Privacy Conference. The Conference will take place at the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam. It aims to bring together data protection and privacy commissioners from around the world to discuss how we can build bridges between each of our data protection and privacy regimes.
For more information visit the Conference website.
For information on attending the opening-night reception, to be hosted by IAPP at the National Maritime Museum on 27 October 2015, visit the IAPP website

Competition Rebooted: Enforcement and Personal Data in Digital Markets


The EDPS and the European Academy of Law will hold a workshop in Brussels, entitled Competition Rebooted: Enforcement and Personal Data in Digital Markets.

The workshop will focus on a range of topics related to market analysis, personal data and privacy and competition law enforcement. It aims to provide competition law practitioners with an insight into new developments in the field and to deepen understanding of the growing role of data in competition law.

For more information and to register visit the ERA website.