

Cloud computing

EDPS issues Guidelines on the use of Cloud Computing services by the European institutions & bodies. Read the Guidelines and press release.

EDPS Newsletter 58

The latest edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

Graphics presenting a training given by a coach

Accountability in practice

A new Regulation governing data processing by the EU institutions, bodies and agencies will soon replace the current Regulation 45/2001. To raise awareness on the current and new data protection rules the EDPS organised a series of workshops in Luxembourg this week.

Video of training is available here

Read blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

EDPS Newsletter 57

Ten things you might have missed in 2017: The latest edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

Time running out to ensure effective data protection in the EU institutions

Through the GDPR, the EU has lead the way in safeguarding fundamental rights in the digital age.

Read latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Thinking global, acting local

On 25 September 2017, in the margins of the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Hong Kong, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Privacy, Digital Asia Hub and the European Data Protection Supervisor hosted a meeting with a difference.

Our aim with this meeting was to start a conversation with people from around the world about the values that they think underpin privacy in their countries to see what the similarities and differences are.

Read the summary.

Open letter to the global civil society

The EDPS has published an open letter to the global civil society regarding the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.

EDPS Newsletter 56

The latest edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

Less is sometimes more

Data protection should not be subject to trade negotiations. Read latest blogspost by Giovanni Buttarelli.