

Recommendations on the proposed ePrivacy Regulation

EDPS recommendations on specific aspects of the proposed ePrivacy Regulation.

Read here.

EDPS Newsletter 53

The September 2017 edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

A crucial moment for communications privacy

Data protection by design will become a legal obligation under GDPR, read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

The State of the Data Protection Union

The EU data protection framework is about to change , read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Hate speech, Fake News and Security

The EDPS participated in the Hate Speech and Security Summit in Rome. The Summit was organised by the Italian Presidency of the G7 and was also attended by seven Bar Associations.
The initiative was aimed at developing a common strategy and reinforcing the importance of protecting human dignity and the right to privacy in the era of hate speech and fake news.
In his intervention, Giovanni Buttarelli stressed the importance of political will, a common framework and the wise use of new technologies.

See video

A digital Europe needs data protection

The Commission's proposal for a Regulation establishing a single digital gateway and the once-only principle is a necessary development in the modernisation of administrative services throughout the EU. However, some key issues related to data protection must be taken into account for the future development of the once-only principle. Read the EDPS Opinion and the press release.

Teenagers on privacy

How do millennials relate to digital life and privacy? Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli

EU-Japan cooperation on data protection

Giovanni Buttarelli and Jiro Akama, Japanese State Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, have met on convergence and cooperation between EU and Japan on data protection.

Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data Driven Life

In March this year, my respected colleague Ventislav Karadjov, Chairman of the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria (CPDP) and I announced that we will jointly be hosting the 40th annual International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in October 2018.

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli

EDPS meets Japanese PPC

The EDPS and the Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC) in Japan have met to discuss the implementation of forthcoming GDPR. The new regulation reinforces international cooperation outside the EU including the DPAs of third countries.