

One giant leap for digital rights

One giant leap for digital rights. Read the latest post of the EDPS blog.

Privacy Shield

Article 29 Working Party on the EU – U.S. Privacy Shield draft adequacy decision. Read the opinion and the statement.

Exchange of information regarding criminal records

EDPS Opinion on the exchange of information on third country nationals as regards the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)

EU-Canada PNR agreement

EDPS pleading at the hearing of the Court of Justice of 5 April 2016, EU-Canada PNR agreement. Read the pleading notes.

EDPS Newsletter 47

Our latest newsletter is online now.

Information Security Risk Management

EDPS guide to securing information and business continuity. Read our press release and guidance.

European Border and Coast Guard Regulation

Securing Europe’s Rights and Borders. Read the Opinion and the press release.

EU-US Privacy Shield

Speech of Giovanni Buttarelli on the EU-US Privacy Shield given at the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE)

Case Law Overview 2015

EDPS issues a Case Law Overview for 2015. Read the document.