

Dans cette session, vous pouvez trouver un aperçu des événements, conférences et réunions que le CEPD organise ou auquel il participe. Veuillez consulter notre politique d’interventions si vous souhaitez nous inviter à prendre la parole lors d'un événement.


European Data Protection Day

Everyday personal information is collected, shared, used and stored by individuals, organisations and public authorities.  Recruitment activities, video surveillance and health data collection are just a few examples of this.

47 countries of the Council of Europe as well as European institutions, agencies and bodies will celebrate the eighth annual European Data Protection Day. This date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe Convention 108 on the protection of personal information, the first legally binding international instrument related to the field of data protection

Data Protection Day 2014 is an opportunity for the EDPS, along with Data Protection Officers from the EU institutions to raise awareness among EU staff and the general public on their data protection rights and obligations. These rights and obligations are set out in the EU Data Protection Regulation and their implementation within the EU administration is supervised by the EDPS.

A short film is available to view on the video page of our website. It highlights some of the data protection rights and risks that are inherent in our everyday lives.


7th International Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference, Brussels


Every year the CPDP gathers in Brussels the most important stakeholders involved in the area of computers, privacy and data protection in Europe and around the world.

Next year's edition of the conference is entitled "Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2014 - Reforming Data Protection: The Global Perspective". It will include 60 different panels, a special focus on India, a PhD student papers sessions evening debates and other side events.

The panels will focus on key issues that cover all current debates: The data protection reform in the European Union, PRISM, big data, cybercrime, data retention, cloud computing, enforcement by Data Protection Authorities, biometrics, e-health, privacy by design, and more. In addition, there will be a day event on the ethical issues of data collection on minorities, and the use of technology to advance the status of Roma
Members of the EDPS Peter Hustinx and Giovanni Buttarelli will take part to panel discussions.

More information about CPDP.


Celebrating 10 years of the European Data Protection Supervisor

Today, experts in data protection and privacy and high profile representatives of European Institutions, National Data Protection Authorities and legal practitioners gathered at a conference at the BOZAR, Brussels on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Jacob Kohnstamm, Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party, Gilles Dekerchove, EU anti-terrorist coordinator, Sophie In’t Veld, MEP and Francoise Le Bail, Director General DG Justice were among the speakers. Their speeches highlighted key points in the history of the institution and commended the EDPS’ role and contribution to the progress made in data protection in the EU and beyond.

Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust? is a book that reflects on privacy and personal data protection in Europe and the United States at the beginning of 2014. With contributions from a number of prominent scholars, legal practitioners, regulators and politicians from Europe as well as the United States, the book was compiled in honour of Peter Hustinx, the first European Data Protection Supervisor, who will step down in 2014 following a distinguished career in office.


Peter Hustinx receives European Data Protection Award

Peter Hustinx, EDPS, received the first European Data Protection Award from the Confederation of European Data Protection Organisations (CEDPO). The award is a token of recognition by the data protection community and was presented to him at an international privacy conference held at the University of Castellon, Spain organised by professor Artemi Rallo Lombarte, former director of the Spanish Data Protection Authority.

CEDPO was founded in September 2011 by European Data Protection Organisations, namely, AFCDP (Association Française des Correspondants à la Protection des Données à Caractère Personnel) of France, APEP (Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad) of Spain, GDD (Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit) of Germany and NGFG (Nederlands Genootschap van Functionarissen voor de Gegevensbescherming) of the Netherlands.

CEDPO aims are to promote the role of the Data Protection Officer, to provide advice on balanced, practicable and effective data protection and to contribute to a better harmonisation of data protection law and practices in the EU/EEA.


Annual Conference on European Data Protection Law 2013, Trier

This year’s conference organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA) in cooperation with the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) will mainly focus on the role of cloud computing services and social networks in applying EU data protection law. It will also provide participants with an update on the current legislative proposals at EU level (COM(2012)10 and COM(2012)11) and the most recent case law of the CJEU. The key topics will also include: EU data sovereignty and cross-border data transfers to third countries as well as PRISM and data protection. Peter Hustinx will be among the speakers.

Programme here.