

Dans cette session, vous pouvez trouver un aperçu des événements, conférences et réunions que le CEPD organise ou auquel il participe. Veuillez consulter notre politique d’interventions si vous souhaitez nous inviter à prendre la parole lors d'un événement.


Journée portes ouvertes des institutions européennes 2018 - Bruxelles

Tous les jours, vos informations personnelles sont collectées, partagées, utilisées et stockées par des personnes, des organisations et des pouvoirs publics. Les procédures de recrutement, la vidéosurveillance et la collecte de données de santé n’en sont que quelques exemples. La tâche du CEPD est de veiller à ce que les institutions et organes européens respectent vos droits lorsqu'ils traitent vos données personnelles.

Le CEPD tiendra un stand au sein de la Commission européenne dans le cadre des célébrations de la Journée de l’Europe, au rez-de-chaussée du Berlaymont.

Le personnel du CEPD y répondra aux questions que vous vous posez sur vos droits à la vie privée et la façon de protéger vos informations personnelles. Des gadgets utiles et de la documentation vous attendent, ainsi que des activités ludiques et interactives pour enfants et adultes. Vous aurez également la chance de gagner l'une de nos 20 clés USB originales, en prenant part à notre quiz, facile et instructif!

La protection des données personnelles nous concerne tous, que ce soit lors d’achats en ligne, de l’utilisation de son smartphone ou de la recherche d'emploi. Rendez-nous donc visite sur notre stand pour en savoir plus!

Pour plus d'infos: et


Data Protection Day 2018



On 28 January each year, member states of the Council of Europe and EU institutions, agencies and bodies celebrate Data Protection Day, which marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, known as “Convention 108”. This was the first binding international law concerning individuals’ rights to the protection of their personal data.

This year to mark the occasion, the trainees of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) held a lunchtime conference focusing on data protection and digital ethics in the realm of dating apps. The conference took place on 12 February 2018 between 12 noon and 2.30pm in the European Parliament and was open to trainees working at the European institutions.

You can watch the recording of the conference here.

Conference programme
Langues disponibles: anglais

Computers, Privacy and Data Protection 2018: The Internet of Bodies

The annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference will take place from 24-26 January 2018 at Les Halles de Schaerbeek in Brussels.

CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. Striving for diversity and balance, CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, computer scientists and civil society from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends. This unique multidisciplinary formula has served to make CPDP one of the leading data protection and privacy conferences in Europe and around the world.

As data collection increasingly focuses on the physical body and bodies are increasingly connected, digitised and informatised; CPDP2018 adopts the “Internet of Bodies” as its overarching theme to pave the way for a timely and thorough discussion over a broad range of ethical, legal and policy issues related to new technologies. CPDP2018 will stage more than 80 panels addressing current debates in the area of information technology, privacy and data protection. The preliminary programme for CPDP2018 has been released and the line-up contains excellent panels. Session topics range from the implementation of the GDPR, wearables, IoT, blockchain, border control to data breaches, privacy and security by design, health data, algorithmic accountability and much more.

CPDP is also an extraordinary networking opportunity to mix and mingle with the privacy and data protection community.

Information, programme and registration: or contact

You can also follow CPDP on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and participate in the online conversation using the hashtag #CPDP2018


EDPS-Civil Society Summit 2018

The EDPS-Civil society summit is an annual meeting between EDPS and civil society organisations organized to discuss the state of data protection and privacy in the EU.

The 2018 edition will focus on two main issues:

  • challenges related to GDPR implementation related to individual and collective redress
  • monitoring of illegal content online: notice and action procedures.

The summit is a part of the Privacy Camp 2018.

You can follow the event on our Twitter account and participate in the online conversation using the hashtags #EDPSCivSoc2016 and

Langues disponibles: anglais

39th International Conference

Hong Kong will host the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC), which is set to take place at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel from 25-29 September 2017. The conference is an annual event which brings together more than one hundred privacy and data protection authorities from across the world to discuss the future of data protection and privacy. It consists of a closed session, for accredited members of the ICDPPC only, as well as an open session, which all members of the international data protection community are welcome to attend.

This year's conference will focus on the theme of connecting the West with the East, addressing the different concepts and regulations relating to privacy in the East and West and the applicability of western models of data protection in Asia and elsewhere.

For more information on the 2017 International Conference, visit the website.  

In 2018, the International Conference will return to Europe, where the EDPS and the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria will take over as joint hosts of the International Conference. For more information read the joint Press Statement.


Thinking local, acting global: exploring common values that underpin privacy

"Thinking local, acting global, exploring common values that underpin privacy", side event organised by the EDPS, the UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy and Digital Asia Hub at the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC), Hong Kong, China

Side Event Agenda
Langues disponibles: anglais