

Dans cette session, vous pouvez trouver un aperçu des événements, conférences et réunions que le CEPD organise ou auquel il participe. Veuillez consulter notre politique d’interventions si vous souhaitez nous inviter à prendre la parole lors d'un événement.


Workshop: Data Protection within International Organizations

The EDPS and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are co-organising the 6th edition of the Data Protection Workshop within International Organizations, which will take place on 11–12 May at the IOM in Geneva.

This workshop, initiated by the EDPS over ten years ago, aims at bringing together International Organisations to:

  • Share experience and best practice in the field of data protection and analyse its impact as part of good governance within International Organisations;
  • Summarise the most recent regulatory developments at international level in the area of privacy and data protection and analyse the potential implications of such developments for International Organisations;
  • Analyse the state of play of data protection within International Organisations;
  • Discuss the progress made since the last workshop.

Topics which will be covered at this year's workshop include cloud computing, processing of health data, the role of the Data Protection Officer, and data transfers to International Organisations under the GDPR.

Video of the event can be found here.

Langues disponibles: anglais

Journée portes ouvertes des institutions européennes - Bruxelles


Tous les jours, vos informations personnelles sont collectées, partagées, utilisées et stockées par des personnes, des organisations et des pouvoirs publics. Les procédures de recrutement, la vidéosurveillance et la collecte de données de santé n’en sont que quelques exemples. La tâche du CEPD est de veiller à ce que les institutions et organes européens respectent vos droits lorsqu'ils traitent vos données personnelles.

Le CEPD tiendra un stand au sein de la Commission européenne dans le cadre des célébrations de la Journée de l’Europe, au rez-de-chaussée du Berlaymont.

Le personnel du CEPD y répondra aux questions que vous vous posez sur vos droits à la vie privée et la façon de protéger vos informations personnelles. Des gadgets utiles et de la documentation vous attendent, ainsi que des activités ludiques et interactives pour enfants et adultes. Vous aurez également la chance de gagner l'une de nos 20 clés USB originales, en prenant part à notre quiz, facile et instructif!

La protection des données personnelles nous concerne tous, que ce soit lors d’achats en ligne, de l’utilisation de son smartphone ou de la recherche d'emploi. Rendez-nous donc visite sur notre stand pour en savoir plus!

Pour plus d'infos: et



Data Protection Day

28 January is Data Protection Day. The date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Convention 108 on the protection of personal information, the first legally binding international law in the field of data protection, and is celebrated every year by the 47 countries of the Council of Europe as well as the EU institutions.

To mark the occasion the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) will be holding a lunchtime conference on the Internet of Things. The conference will take place on 10 February 2017 between 12 noon and 1.30pm in the European Parliament, room A3G-2. The conference is only open to trainees working at the European institutions but you can watch it live using our webstreaming service and interact with us on twitter using the hashtag #IoToasterEvent.


Ethics in the Digital Era

As part of this year's prestigious Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference, the EDPS is hosting a panel discussion on Ethics in the Digital Era. Good data protection law and effective enforcement are necessary in our digital society. However, the exponential possibilities of digital technologies have challenged the principles of both data protection and privacy rights and have highlighted their limitations. Compliance with the law and data protection principles is important but it’s also important to explore what goes beyond them. As part of the international debate on the ethical dimension of data protection in the digital era, members of the Ethics Advisory Group (EAG), an independent group of experts, established by the EDPS will share the state of play of their deliberations. The panel discussion is a public event (you do not need to be CPDP ticketholders to attend) and will be held in Les Halles de Schaerbeek in Brussels from 6.30-7.30pm on Thursday 26 January 2017.

Moderator: Raegan MacDonald, Mozilla (CA)
Welcome: Giovanni Buttarelli, EDPS
EAG Chair: Peter Burgess, Ecole Normale Supérieure (US)
EAG Members: Antoinette Rouvroy, Université de Namur (BE),
Luciano Floridi, Oxford University, (IT)
Aurélie Pols (NL),
Jeroen vanden Hoven, Delft University, (NL)
Jaron Lanier (US)