

#DataDrivenLife - EDPS workshop on Digital Ethics

On 18 May 2017, the EDPS is hosting a workshop on Data Driven Life in Brussels (see the agenda). This is the second workshop in the series organised by the EDPS advancing the global debate on the ethical dimension of the digital revolution.

Read more - blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Watch the web streaming.

ePrivacy Regulation

EDPS calls for strong and smart new rules to protect confidentiality of communications. Read the EDPS opinion and the press release.

New era in the data protection supervision of Europol

Under the new Europol Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/794), the EDPS will take over responsibility from the JSB for the data protection supervision of Europol as from the beginning of May.
The JSB, after long and honourable service to data protection in the EU, will pass its role to the EDPS, an EU institution and the supervisory authority for the EU institutions and bodies.
The EDPS will provide advice on data protection issues to Europol and carry out inspections as well as investigating complaints from individuals.

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Necessity toolkit

As part of our commitment to facilitating responsible and informed policymaking, the EDPS has published a necessity toolkit. Read the necessity toolkit and the press release.

Increasing cooperation between EDPS and FRA

The European Data Protection Supervisor and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights sign a Memorandum of Understanding to increase cooperation in the field of data protection. Read blogpost.

Presenting Our New Website

Our website has undergone quite a makeover! With new features and drop down menus, we present you our new look website to share information about who we are and what we do. Watch the video to learn more about it.

Read how the EDPS is organised under the About EDPS section; for detailed information on our data protection work, Ethics, IPEN, Big Data and more, go to our Data Protection section. Look in our Press & Publications section for our newsletter, blog, press releases, press kit and speeches. Happy browsing!

We would appreciate your feedback

We'd love to know what you think of our new website. Take a few minutes to share your impressions with us by filling in our feedback form. Form available in EN - FR - DE

60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties

60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties. Giovanni Buttarelli to participate in the meeting of the 27 EU heads of state and heads of European Union institutions in Rome, Italy.