

Heading of the EDPS Newsletter

EDPB Newsletter 50

Die jüngste Ausgabe unseres Newsletters ist jetzt online.

An ethical approach to fundamental rights

An ethical approach to fundamental rights - read the latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli

Folders with a stamp saying CONFIDENTIAL

Administrative inquiries in the EU institutions

Breaking the rules: conducting administrative inquiries in the EU institutions - read the latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

Logo of the Conference

The 38th International Privacy Conference

An ancient city looking to the future: The 38th International Privacy Conference in Marrakech - read the latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Artificial Intelligence

A smart approach: counteract the bias in artificial intelligence - read the latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Visualisation of internet connections on a tablet

Data protection for digital communication

Data protection for digital communication - read the latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

Hands protecting the word PRIVACY

Les données personnelles

Les données personnelles: entre protection et exploitation. Read the speech given by Giovanni Buttarelli at the Autumn School 2016 on the EU, University of Laval, Québec, Canada.

A list of checked boxes

Assessing the impact of data protection

Assessing the impact of data protection: DPO-EDPS meeting in Alicante - read the latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

Infographic of a meeting

DPO - EDPS Meeting

40th Meeting of the Data Protection Officers and the European Data Protection Supervisor at European Union Intellectual Property Office, Alicante, Spain. Check the agenda.

Heading of the EDPS Newsletter

EDPS Newsletter 49

Our latest newsletter is online now.