
Lignes directrices


Étant donné que les implications en matière de protection des données de certaines fonctions communes à l’ensemble des institutions, organes et organismes de l’Union (les institutions de l’UE) sont similaires, nous publions des lignes directrices sur des sujets spécifiques tels que le recrutement, les évaluations, l’utilisation de matériel informatique sur le lieu de travail et les procédures disciplinaires.  

Ces lignes directrices viennent consolider les conseils fournis dans nos avis de contrôle préalable et nos consultations et contiennent également des orientations pertinentes formulées par le groupe de travail Article 29 et la jurisprudence des juridictions européennes.

Nos lignes directrices aident non seulement les institutions de l’UE à se conformer à la législation et à appliquer le principe de responsabilité, mais constituent également une source précieuse d’inspiration pour les autres organisations ou peuvent venir compléter les orientations fournies par les autorités nationales chargées de la protection des données.



First EDPS Orientations for EUIs using Generative AI

The EDPS has published its Orientations on “generative Artificial Intelligence and personal data protection” to provide EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies with practical advice and instructions on the processing of personal data when using generative AI systems, to facilitate their compliance with the requirements of the data protection legal framework. 

HTML version available here.

Langues disponibles: anglais

Guidance for co-legislators on key elements of legislative Proposals

Guidance for co-legislators on key elements of legislative Proposals - Draft for public consultation

The EDPS welcomes feedback on the draft Guidance until March 31 2024. 

Please submit your feedback to the following mailbox: (ref: 2023-0025).

Langues disponibles: anglais

Orientations from the EDPS: Body temperature checks by EU institutions in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

A number of European institutions, agencies and bodies (EUIs) have implemented body temperature checks as part of the health and safety measures adopted in the context of their “return to the office” strategy as an appropriate complementary measure, among other necessary health and safety measures, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 contamination.

At the same time, systematic body temperature checks of staff and other visitors to filter access to EUIs premises may constitute an interference into individuals’ rights to private life and/or personal data protection. The EDPS observes that body temperature checks can be implemented through a variety of devices and processes that should be subject to careful assessment. The EDPS has decided to issue the present orientations to help EUIs and Data Protection Officers (DPOs) meet the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (the Regulation), where applicable.