
Asylum: Dublin regulation


Asylum: Dublin regulation

Avis sur la proposition de règlement établissant les critères et mécanismes de détermination de l'Etat membre responsable de l'examen d'une demande de protection internationale présentée dans l'un des Etats membres par un ressortissant de pays tiers ou un apatride [COM(2008) 820 final)], JO 229, 23.09.2009, p. 1

The primary aim of the Proposal is to increase the efficiency of the Dublin system and to ensure higher standards of protection afforded to applicants for international protection subject to the Dublin procedure. Furthermore, it aims to reinforce the solidarity towards those Member States which are faced with situations of particular migratory pressures.

The EDPS supports the Commission's Proposal for a Regulation and shares the understanding of the reasons to revise the existing system. The EDPS considers that some of the observations made in this opinion can be further developed when seeing the practical implementation of the revised system. In particular, he intends to contribute to the definition of implementing measures concerning the exchange of information through the DubliNet.

COM(2008) 820 du 3.12.2008
Langues disponibles: anglais, français