
Borders, Asylum, Migration

People want to enter the EU for a variety of reasons and through different channels: reuniting with family, work, business or education but also to escape from political oppression or war.  EU State authorities need to cooperate on border management to keep our borders secure.  They also have a shared responsibility for treating asylum seekers equally throughout the EU. A number of information sharing mechanisms - which include the collection and the exchange of information on non EU citizens - are central to their cooperation on migration and asylum.



A Data Protection perspective on the Smart Borders Package

A Data Protection perspective on the Smart Borders Package - focusing on the possibility of law enforcement authorities’ access to border data, speech given by Giovanni Buttarelli at European Council, the Working Party on FRONTIERS, Brussels, Belgium

Available languages: English

Smart Borders

EDPS formal comments on the European Commission Public Consultation on smart borders

Available languages: German, English, French
EDPS letter regarding comments on the European Commission Public Consultation on smart borders
Available languages: English

Newsletter Nr. 45

The August 2015 edition of the EDPS Newsletter covers EDPS recommendations on the reform of EU data protection legislation, the publication of the 2014 EDPS Annual Report, the EDPS Opinion on Mobile Health and many other EDPS activities.

Available languages: English

Risk Analysis - Frontex

Opinion on a notification for prior checking received from the Data Protection Officer of Frontex concerning the Processing of Personal Data for Risk Analysis (PeDRA) (Case 2015-0346)

Available languages: German, English, French
Update of the notification for prior checking opinion received from the Data Protection Office of Frontex
Available languages: German, English, French