

shaping a safer digital future cover

5 years of Shaping a Safer Digital Future

The EDPS mandate has been synonymous with adaptability and resilience, with challenges and opportunities in a fast-paced digital landscape. 

  • Supervision & Enforcement of data protection laws within EUIs
  • Policy & Consultations to the EU Legislator
  • Technology & Privacy benefits and risks for now and in the future
  • Preparing ourselves for AI... and more.

Read EDPS Mandate Review on key actions to protect people’s privacy.

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EDPS Newsletter is out!

In this issue, has the European Commission organised a micro-targeting campaign on X? EDPS reprimands EPSO, and organises its first AI correspondents meeting, plus what is a privacy protector? And, as always, there is a lot more in this edition.

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Data Protection Day 2025

To mark the Data Protection Day, the EDPS, Council of Europe, and CPDP Conferences joined forces to host a one-day event: “CPDP – Data Protection Day: A New Mandate for Data Protection.”

  • When: 28 January 2025
  • Where: European Commission’s Charlemagne, Brussels
  • Format: In-person and online

This year’s conference came at a crucial time as new EU political mandates begin shaping the policy landscape. Discussion focused on the evolving mandate of data protection, particularly its essential role as safeguard of our democratic society against excessive intrusions in the citizens’ privacy by public or private actors.

ai correspondents network

1st meeting of AI Correspondents Network: community, compliance and collaboration

EDPS organises meeting of AI Correspondents Network to collaborate on three key pillars community, compliance and collaboration. Read Blogpost


Coordinated Enforcement Action: EDPS findings highlight challenges on right of access to personal data

EDPS released today its findings on the enforcement of individuals’ right of access to their personal data when processed by EU institutions, bodies, offices, and agencies (EUIs).

Read Press Release

Read EDPB Report 

Hearings of the European Parliament

Ernennung des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten

Anhörung der Kandidaten Bruno Gencarelli, François Pellegrini, Anna Pouliou und Wojciech Wiewiórowski vor dem Ausschuss für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und innere Angelegenheiten zur Ernennung des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten.

Der Europäische Datenschutzbeauftragte wird durch einen gemeinsamen Beschluss des Europäischen Parlaments und des Europäischen Rates für eine Amtszeit von fünf Jahren ernannt.

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Towards Digital Clearinghouse 2.0: championing a consistent supervisory approach for the digital economy

The EDPS issues its concept note towards a Digital Clearinghouse 2.0 for a consistent, cooperative and coherent approach to enforcing EU laws regulating digital markets.

Read Blogpost and Concept Note 

Press Release

EDPS reprimands Frontex for non-compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1896

In October 2022, the EDPS carried out an audit on Frontex’s activities when assisting Member States at the EU external borders in joint operations.  In particular, the EDPS focused on debriefing interviews by Frontex of individuals intercepted while crossing external borders and the Agency’s further use of the information collected in this context. 

Read the press release

Carissa Velez

20 Talks - Carrisa Véliz: Associate Professor at the University of Oxford

Carissa Véliz is an Associate Professor at the University of Oxford. Prof Véliz graduated in philosophy from the University of Salamanca, completed a master's degree in philosophy at the CUNY graduate centre in New York, and received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Oxford, where she currently works at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.