

Der EDSB veröffentlicht jedes Jahr ungefähr zehn Newsletter.  Der Newsletter führt die wichtigsten Entwicklungen bei den Aktivitäten des EDSB auf und gibt einen Überblick über vor kurzem angenommene Stellungnahmen und andere Dokumente (Stellungnahmen zu Vorschlägen für Rechtsvorschriften, Kommentare, Stellungnahmen zu Vorabkontrollen usw.). Außerdem enthält er Listen von neu ernannten behördlichen Datenschutzbeauftragten, von kürzlich gehaltenen Reden des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten und des Stellvertretenden Datenschutzbeauftragten und von Veranstaltungen im Bereich des Datenschutzes.

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Der EDSB erhebt Ihre personenbezogenen Daten ausschließlich für das Versenden des Newsletters. Ihre Daten werden aus unserer Datei gelöscht, wenn Sie das Abonnement beenden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Datenschutzhinweis


Newsletter (113)

In this issue, has the European Commission organised a micro-targeting campaign on X? EDPS reprimands EPSO, and organises its first AI correspondents meeting, plus what is a privacy protector? And, as always, there is a lot more in this edition, including our monthly Tip 'n' Trick. Read on! 

Have a listen!


Newsletter (111)

September can mark the season of new beginnings! Here at the EDPS we are getting ready for AI! This month we’ve also provided our advice on an agreement for judicial cooperation and its impact on data protection. You can also swing by our latest work on international data protection transfers and lots more! 

This edition is also part of the Newsletter Digest, have a listen now!


Newsletter (108)

In this issue: find out how to sign up to our EDPS Summit: Rethinking Data in a Democractic Society; watch our 20 talks video or podcast series with influential people discussing how privacy is shaping their respective fields of expertise; what does applying data minimisation mean in practice, and more? This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


Newsletter (107)

Commencing 2024 on a high: the EDPS has launched the celebrations for its 20th anniversary, with numerous initiatives and actions to take place throughout the year to fuel the future of privacy. January also marked Data Protection Day, a time to delve deeper into the data protection issues and approaches to take to protect individuals, and more. This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


Newsletter (104)

Newsletter #104 is out now! Stay informed with us about new updates in the digital regulatory landscape, affecting the GDPR and transfers of personal data to the US. Technology specialist? Read about how to download our Website Evidence Collector 2.1.1. Also in this edition, learn more how can social media be both practical and privacy friendly? This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!