
Prior Checks Register


Register Number Sort descending Case Institution Description Opinion date Opinion Case closed Topics Additional information
1101 2013-0797 Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) Attestation procedure (ex-C and ex-D categories) Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Working Conditions
1102 2013-0798 Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) Working time management, flexitime and leave
1103 2013-0799 European Parliament Recrutement des agents intérimaires. Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment
1104 2013-0800 European Insurance and Occupations Pensions Authority (EIOPA) EIOPA’s staff evaluation procedure Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1105 2013-0801 European Investment Bank (EIB) Access to the professional/personal data, physical or electronic, of staff members in the event of absence, leaving the Bank or death Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, IT at Work
1106 2013-0806 Fusion for Energy (F4E) Complementary health insurance
1107 2013-0808 Fusion for Energy (F4E) Administrative enquiries and Disciplinary proceedings Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Investigations, Staff Evaluation, Conflicts of Interest
1108 2013-0809 Fusion for Energy (F4E) F4E Industry Portal Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Procurements, Grants, Experts


1109 2013-0810 European Court of Auditors (ECA) Treatment of medical data Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1110 2013-0811 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Staff recruitment Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment
1111 2013-0812 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Flexitime and leave Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Working Conditions
1112 2013-0813 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Staff evaluation for the probationary period Link Transfers of data, Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation, Health Data in the Workplace
1113 2013-0814 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) health data at work Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1114 2013-0815 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) video-surveillance
1115 2013-0826 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Audits carried out by EACI Link General Data Protection Regulation
1116 2013-0837 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Administrative appeals Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Investigations
1117 2013-0836 European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) Microsoft CRM Dynamics Cloud
1118 2013-0839 SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) Management of health data at the work place Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1119 2013-0841 Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Staff recruitment of Temporary Agents, Contract Agents and Seconded National Experts Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment
1120 2013-0846 European Court of Auditors (ECA) Evaluations of possible financial irregularities Link Rights of the Individual, Right of Access, Right to Rectification, Finance & Economy, Privacy in the EU Institutions, Working Conditions
1121 2013-0855 European Research Executive Agency (REA) Registration, Selection and Management of Experts by the REA Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Procurements, Grants, Experts
1122 2013-0857 European Research Executive Agency (REA) Teleworking in the REA
1123 2013-0862 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Calls for tenders Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Procurements, Grants, Experts
1124 2013-0863 European Central Bank (ECB) Covert surveillance
1125 2013-0865 European Environment Agency (EEA) Annual promotion exercise Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1126 2013-0870 Internal mobility
1127 2013-0871 Selection, recruitment and management of interim staff Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment, Staff Evaluation
1128 2013-0872 Selection, recruitment and management of blue book trainees Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment, Staff Evaluation
1129 2013-0873 Selection, recruitment and management of atypical trainees Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment, Staff Evaluation
1130 2013-0874 European Defence Agency (EDA) Procedure following alleged psychological or sexual harassment Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Anti-harassment
1131 2013-0875 European Ombudsman (Ombudsman) Procurement procedures - Articles 101-120 of the Financial Regulation (FR) of 2012 applicable to the general budget of the EU Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Procurements, Grants, Experts
1132 2013-0876 European External Action Service (EEAS) Staff selection and appointment procedures for officials and temporary agents in the EEAS Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Recruitment
1133 2013-0884 European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Anti-Fraud procedure for analysis and signalling suspicions of irregularities and/or fraud to OLAF Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Investigations, Whistleblowing
1134 2013-0888 Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Management of health data in the workplace Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1135 2013-0892 European Central Bank (ECB) Underperformance procedure Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1136 2013-0893 European Police College (CEPOL) Health data at work Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1137 2013-0899 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Use of the Early Warning System (EWS) by EACI

Notification withdraw before an opinion was issued.

1138 2013-0901 Committee of the Regions (CoR) Career guidance and internal mobility Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Working Conditions
1139 2013-0907 European Court of Auditors (ECA) Update evaluation procedure Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1140 2013-0913 European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Selection and management of experts Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Procurements, Grants, Experts
1141 2013-0915 Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU) Staff evaluation Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1142 2013-0916 Whistleblowing procedure Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Anti-fraud, Staff Evaluation, Whistleblowing
1143 2013-0920 European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) Anti-harassment policy Link
1144 2013-0927 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Health data Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1145 2013-0928 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Evaluation of staff Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Staff Evaluation
1146 2013-0929 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Recruitments of staff
1147 2013-0930 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Application of Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Rules
1148 2013-0934 Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU) Management of health data in the workplace Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Health Data in the Workplace
1149 2013-0956 ECSEL Joint Undertaking (ECSEL) ARTEMIS prior checking notification - health data Link Respect de la vie privée dans les institutions de l'UE, Données concernant la santé au travail
1150 2013-0957 European External Action Service (EEAS) Notification for prior check - Confidential Counsellors in the EEAS Link Privacy in the EU Institutions, Anti-harassment